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    The Assistant – (Chapter: 7)

    It was bullshit and you know it,” Ashley said, glaring at Ethan from across the table.

     The two had been arguing about Ashley’s outburst since they left the studio in Atlanta.   The controversy followed them to Chicago and now to their last night in New York.  The group was supposed to be having a pleasant dinner in a nice restaurant to celebrate Ashley’s first single debuting at number one on the charts.  But Ethan kept bringing up the touchy topic of Ashley’s outburst.

    “He read a simple review, Ashley,” Ethan said, shaking his head in exasperation.  “You shouldn’t have reacted that way.  Your little outburst made it much worse than what it would have been.”

    Ashley’s radio blowup had become a public relations nightmare.  Not because of the outburst itself.  Ashley was known for having a short temper.  And not because she called Max Rose a “little fucking prick.”  Few people disagreed.  But by losing her temper, Ashley had given the critical review that triggered the outburst validity. 

    Bloggers, music journalists, and DJs across the country were questioning whether she was getting glowing reviews because of who she was, rather than the music she created.  Critics who had attended the listening party were now backtracking on some of their praises, criticizing Ashley’s capabilities as a songwriter.  Her first single had shot to the top spot on the charts. But with the album debuting soon, there was talk that all the bad buzz would stifle its success. 

    “It’ll blow over,” Ashley said cutting into her salmon fillet. “And if it doesn’t, who the fuck cares.  Fuck ‘em all.  I don’t need a critic telling me how good I am.  I know I created a first-rate album .”

    Ashley looked up at her exhausted entourage, “Right?” 

    It took a moment for them to realize Ashley had asked a question.  Since her radio outburst, she had been more demanding, more uncompromising than usual.  They were all worn out.  Madison sat at the table mumbling angry words under her breath.  Ashley had constantly complained about the way Madison did her makeup, even though there was nothing different in the regimen.  Aidan was nursing sore arms from fighting off overly aggressive paparazzi.  The camera-carrying vultures had gone from rudely asking how many women Ashley had slept with that day to now mockingly asking if the Sugar Rock review had “hurt her feelings.”

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    1. great update. it’s nice seeing this softer side of ash especially in contrast with the way she was in the beginning of this update. again great update.pms!!

    2. absolutely fantastic. and yay I was right! kind of. wow I can’t believe ash acted like that while kelly was there. and the ending was heart wrenching. seriously I was so sad. it’s just too bad spence was asleep and missed it all. ash expressing her feelings while sober. extremely great update, hope you’re working on the next because I’m dying over here waiting for it!!! pms!

    3. yes, first comment! but only because i stay up until ungodly hours of the night… haha well what have i got to say about that chapter? i loved it! and i also love that ashley and spencer are getting closer! and i love that ashley found the marks from carmen as well. i think that about covers it, so pms please!

    4. Wow, it’s all coming together now. Ashely was such a bitch though I hope she makes it up to Spencer…Ummm, hitman for Carmen?? I’m on the edge of my seat for the next update so PMS!!!

    5. Great chapter. I have a feeling Ashley sent Kelly away because she was interested in Spencer. I think Ashley is in love with Spencer. I think it was great that Ashley has discovered what Carmen does to Spencer. I think Spencer needs to let someone in on the hell she is living. Now that Ashley is aware there is something going on maybe she can be the friend Spencer so desperately needs.As for how Ashley treated Spencer, it was basically her marking her territory. Which to me only shows how deep her feelings for Spencer go. I think part of her attitude toward Spencer is the fact that she wants her and cant have her, the other is that she wants to push Spencer away because she hates how Spencer makes her feel. The fact that Spencer has stuck around and takes care of Ashley means more to Ashley than she lets on. I think Spencer probably has feelings for Ashley too but her life is in such a shitstorm with Carmen, sick child, financial woes that she doesnt take time out for her own needs.I really love this story. I stalk this board hoping to get an update.Would love to see an update of Hoops soon. I am in love with that story too. Great job!!!

    6. Such a great update, i love how things are progressing. it was really awesome seeing ash and spence just talk with one another and get lost in each other-forgetting aiden…which, who wouldn’t- ash needs to know whats going on in spencer’s life so she can fall in love with her even more and make spencer happy- pms!

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