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    Hidden Identity


              It is Saturday night, and I’m getting ready. Tonight, I’m going out with some friends from school. We’re going clubbing, and usually my best friend Ashley would be joining us, but not tonight. She said she didn’t feel well and wanted to stay in bed because she had a headache, so, as I’m getting ready, I’m talking to her on my webcam via Skype.


              “Ash, are you sure you can’t come???”


              “Yes, Spencer, for the millionth time, I am sure. My head is throbbing!”


              “Okay, fine, stay in bed and get some rest… But first you have to help me pick out my outfit!” I say, going to my closet to slip on a black tube-dress that is barely there. Perfect for a night of clubbing.


              I have already applied my smoky-eyed make-up and fixed my hair. Now all I need is a clothing choice, and I’ll be ready to go.


              “What do you think of this one Ash?” I ask while twirling in front of the camera.


              “It’s, uh, nice?”


              “Just nice? That just won’t do. Wait a second, I’ll be right back.” I tell her, already stripping myself of the dress on my way to the closet.


              “Hey, is that black lingerie I just saw on you?!” She half asks, half yells from my computer.


              “Yes, it is!” I yell back. I know the saying ‘you only wear black lingerie if you’re planning for someone to see it’, and, yes, I am planning on sleeping with someone tonight. I haven’t had a boyfriend in a while, and I’m a little wound up, so I think a one-night stand would be nice.


              “Why are you wearing that? Are you going to the club with a date?” she inquires.


              “No, I’m going to meet someone there and get him to take me home.” I reply, walking out of my closet and to the computer.


              “Wow, what an amazingly safe plan-“she begins “whoa, Spence, you look fantastic.”


              “Thank you Ash.” I say with a smile on my face. I’m wearing a red halter-dress that hugged all the right curves, and I can tell by her open mouth and wide eyes that she enjoyed it.

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