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    The Sleepover (One-Shot)

                I looked over at Spencer with a wink as the movie ended and the credits started to roll. All the other girls were already asleep and I got up to turn off the TV, plunging the room into total darkness, as there were no windows. It had been my sister’s Kyla idea to have a sleepover the night before Glen’s wedding since we were all in it someway. Glen’s fiancé; Kim had fit right into our group and everyone loved her. Spencer, Kim’s sister Katie, Kyla, and Kim’s best friend Haley were bridesmaids. Chelsea was in charge of decorations, I was doing the music, and Madison had planned the whole thing. All of us were crammed into Spencer’s and my living room, sleeping on the sleeping bags that Kyla had insisted on.

                “This was fun,” Spencer whispered, as she settled down beside me after I came back from the bathroom. I thought it was ridiculous that we were sleeping on the floor when we had a perfectly good bed but Spencer had already gotten onto me for complaining.

                “I can make it even more fun,” I breathed out, my hand reaching out to run down her back suggestively.

                “Ash,” She whined, moving away from my hand. “Don’t start,”

                “Come on baby,” I tried, scooting closer to her and running my hand through her hair.  “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever with this stupid wedding, it’s been like two weeks. I’m dying here,”

                “I know, but everyone’s here and –“

                “They’re sleeping, and we’ll be extra quiet. Don’t you miss me?” She moved onto her back with a sigh and I moved so that I was pressed into her side careful to keep my hips a safe distance away, my hand on her stomach.

                “Of course I do but,“ I cut her off by leaning down and kissing her. She hesitated for a second before kissing me back, though gently. I knew it would be hard to get her to agree but it was my mission and Ashley Davies never failed. I brought my hand up from her stomach and threaded my fingers into her blonde hair, tugging gently. She moaned slightly but I muffled the sound with my lips as I climbed on top of her, straddling her waist but keeping our lips together. Her hands instantly came to rest on my hips, pulling me down slightly and making me grin. Spencer was getting turned on. I complied with her silent request though, and ground my center down into her. I heard her gasp when she felt the bulge of the strap-on press into her through both of our pajama shorts. “Ash! You planned this!” She hissed accusingly, digging her fingers into my hips when I ground down into her again. I had slipped her favorite strap-on on while I was in bathroom, intent on taking her that night.

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    1. I would like to thank Mute for begging you to finish this… fucking fantastic. hot as all hell and then getting busted?! had me seriously lmao. excellent job

    2. ooooohhhh lil c how i misssssss you and missed you (your writing that is) deff some mute/facts one-shot yumminess! You just texted me so I’m going to respond to that, but very hot and funny too!

    3. That was awesome! I kinda knew they were keeping the others up but it was funny when they go called on it lol! Any more we can beg you to finish off???

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