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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 36 – I'm gonna marry her someday.)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 36 – I’m gonna marry her someday


    “Wait…what?” Spencer asked, pulling away from our embrace to hold me at arms length.  Her face was scrunched up in confusion; then again she has every right to be confused, since I did just kind of blurt it out.

    Damn it, why did I even say I wanted to go home? I mean I do want to go home at some point, but I have every intention of taking Spencer home with me, after I’ve kicked her royal witchness out of the house of course.

    Anyway what I’m trying to say is that I don’t plan on going home just yet. I mean I still have to ask Spencer how she feels about coming with me first. I would love to assume that she would just jump at the chance, but we haven’t been together for that long, she might think I’m moving to fast.

    “Are you breaking up with me?” Spencer whimpered. She couldn’t even look at me right now.

    “No! God no, Spencer this isn’t me trying to break up with you. It just that…well I know your dad offered me that job here and I appreciate it I really do, but living here all the time, it just isn’t for me. What I’m trying to say Spence, is that I’ve just turned 18 okay. And I want to go to college and build a career and a whole new life for myself and I can’t do that if I stay here.” I explained. I hope this is coming out the right way.

    “I wouldn’t have held you back from that Ashley.” She snapped. Gone is the hurt, now here comes the anger. I think I really better explain this all, before it gets out of hand…I just don’t know how.

    “I know that Spencer, I was actually hoping that you would consider I don’t know, coming with me? Back to L.A I mean.” I say looking sheepishly at the floor, this is it. It’s now or never. This is where Spencer decides whether she wants to be with me outside of the camp or whether she decides that what happened between us was a summer fling.


    Madison had called a group meeting after the unfortunate mishap that had involved Ashley and Aiden. Something had to be done about him, if he had this kind of attitude and temper towards those who had a different persuasion, then we was clearly not fit to work with the children that came to the camp.

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    1. sorry it took me a while to read this ive ben trying to get my school stuff situated, anyways i loved it and im like on my knees beging for a sequeal but hey we all need a little break im sure taking one. but pm me sometime id like to get to know the writter behind this awsome story :) loved it awsome end to an awsome story :D :D :D

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