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    Alteration – (Chapter: (1))

    “Oh no, no way in hell”

    “You don’t have much of a choice”

    “Why the fuck is that?”

    “It’s what the judge said…you are no longer in my custody”

    “Oh and I bet you are just so torn up about it”

    “What ever…you put yourself here. Your flight leaves at eight…better start packing kid”

    Raife stood up and let himself out of the teen’s bedroom without another word.

    “I do have a name you know!”

    She bellowed after him only to be met by the sound of the front door slamming shut. She couldn’t even remember the last time he had referred to her as Ashley instead of kid, Jr., or princess, all of witch started up the gag reflexes.

    The brunette flopped onto her bed and replaced the buds of her earphones that she was forced to remove when her father had previously barged into her room unannounced.

    In true fucking rock star fashion

    Feeling restless, she got up a minute later as a song ended and another began. Sitting behind her drum set, she began hitting the drums in time with those of the song.

    It’s not easy making a name for yourself.
    Where do you draw the line?
    I never thought I’d be in this far.
    Let’s have some fun and never change, not for anyone.
    Try not to miss me when I’m gone.

    Barely making it through the 1st verse, what she did hear caused reality to reappear and its cruelty sent a pair of wooden sticks crashing harder and harder into the skins of the drum set. She would be leaving her home, LA, and her own father was indifferent about it. I have to leave in 5 hours.

    Woah oh oh. Woah oh oh.
    I sold my soul to the open road.
    I live my life alone!

    You won’t find me in the same spot, believe me.
    I could never stop.
    My life’s turned upside down.

    She dedicated herself to proving that she could hold her own in the music industry. She did everything with him by her side, though he was only there to keep up appearances. The only way she got his attention was by messing up, and in a variety of ways, but this time she did so royally and would have to leave everything she knew for everything she didn’t. A private school of Cleveland, Ohio.

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