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    Alteration – (Chapter: (2) Home Sweet Home)

    Alteration Chapter 2

    Ashley picked up her lone suitcase from the baggage claim as she had already sent her other belongings a head of time. Exiting the airport she felt a buzz along her thigh. Upon fetching her phone from within the tight space of her pocket she realized an unfamiliar number flashing across the screen.


    “Hey, is this Ashley?”

    “Who wants to know?”

    With a chuckle the unknown, seemingly British, female caller responded.

    “It’s Mia. I came to pick you up but I can’t really find you”

    “Oh, so you’re the love child-”

    “Just tell me where you are Ashley”

    “Uh…exit 2”

    With that the teen was met with a click that was closely followed by the bitter dial tone that informed her she had been hung up on. Rolling her eyes she leaned back against the wall of the airport and pulled out a cigarette. She lit it and before she could take that first drag she heard some one clear their throat. Looking up she saw almost a clone copy of herself, only older. They both looked each other over, the same look of amazement playing across their features.


    They muttered in low voices.

    “Well, now I can’t taunt about me needing any DNA evidence”

    “Oooh, you’re a funny one aren’t you?

    The elder girl’s voice dripped in sarcasm.


    She apologized, realizing that if she kept it up her companion’s patience would have vanished and she would be living in a not so friendly environment. So she decided to play nice.

    “So…wiser and older sibling, how old are you exactly?”

    “Twenty-four. You?”

    They began to walk to the parking lot as the conversed. Ashley had an easy going vibe coming from her new found sister. Although it was hella creepy that the only difference she could find beside their age was the fact that Mia wore her hair strait, where as Ashley took hours to tame her curls.


    The teen stopped dead in her tracks and let out a frustrated growl. She rubbed her forehead and took a long drag of her cigarette as she eyed up the vehicle that’s trunk was open and now had Mia standing in front of it, letting her uneasiness flow out with the puffs of smoke.

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