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    My Alien Girlfriend – (Chapter: Okay Folks, Get ready to Crash Land pt.2)

    Madison’s Bedroom

    “Alright,” Madison began. “Although I am still pissed at you… you are still technically my best friend so I will help you get your girl back.”

    “Thanks Mads,” Spencer smiled gratefully.

    “That’s right, I’m helping you,” the Latina went on. “Although you’ve been a selfish, stupid, ungrateful, whorish, dumb-”

    “Okay I get it Mads.”

    “Self centered, conceited, bitchy-”

    “Alright Madison,” Spencer yelled. “I get it. I’ve been all those things and more. I’m sorry and thank you very much for helping me out.”

    The Latina shrugged and waved her off with a grin. “It’s like they say you know blood is thicker than water.”

    The blonde frowned and pointed between them. “Um, we’re not related.”

    “That still doesn’t change the fact that blood, in viscosity, is thicker than water.”


    “Right, moving on,” Madison continued. “Now, let’s get down to an important thing when it comes to winning someone back. Do you have strong knees?”

    “Um … I guess so…”

    “Good, cause you’re going to be on them a whole lot in front of Ashley.”

    “Whoa, hold on Madison,” Spencer shook her head. “I don’t think me going down on Ashley would be the most appropriate thing to do right now.”

    “Oh my God,” the Latina groaned. “Get your mind out of the gutter chica. I’m talking about groveling! You don’t go down on her until after she’s forgiven you.”

    “Right, I better write that down,” Spencer muttered taking out a pencil and paper.

    “Begging for forgiveness is a big one,” Madison progressed. “Correction, it is the biggest one, why, because you’ve really fucked up.”

    “I’ve tried begging.”

    “You need to try harder chica. You have those irresistible pouty eyes and lips you better put them to work alright?”

    Spencer set her pencil and paper aside. “All these tips are great and all, but we have one major problem.”

    Madison crossed her arms. “What is it?”

    “Raife Davies, Ashley’s dad is here.”

    The Latina’s eyes widened, “In my room?!”

    “No not in your room,” Spencer quickly corrected. “Here, as in on this planet, as in California, as in Los Angeles as in-”

    “I get what you’re saying Daddy Davies is here. Why?”

    “Well this is going to sound weird but, it’s not like you haven’t heard anything strange since Ash has been here anyways. He’s been taking over my mom’s body.”

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    1. you never fail to blow me away with this story! even though the situation is really sad right now, madison has a way with words that just makes me laugh. excellent update and I can’t wait to see what happens next, pms!

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