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    My Alien Girlfriend – (Chapter: Okay Folks, Get ready to Crash Land pt.3)

    “I don’t know,” Spencer shrugged looking at the dvd.

    “Well, whatever it is will have to wait,” Madison said flashing the blonde an apologetic smile. “You have class to get to.”

    “Yeah,” the blonde nodded placing the dvd into her backpack.

    “Hey, don’t worry,” the Latina nudged her best friend. “We’re gonna figure this out. I’ll come up with a plan to get your girl back, I promise.”

    “Thanks Mads.”

    “No problem, now get to class chica.”

    Drama Class

    When the blonde spotted Ashley sitting in the corner she immediately walked over to her. “Ashley,” she said quietly.

    “Do not talk to me,” the Martian whispered looking down.

    “So now you can’t even look at me,” the blonde asked hurt.

    “No, I cannot because it hurts too much to,” Ashley responded still looking down.

    “Ashley just listen to me,” Spencer placed her hand on the Martian’s shoulder.
    Ashley immediately pulled away with a growl. “Ashley-”

    “I saw the dvd Spencer I am not stupid,” the brunette hissed.

    “What is on the dvd,” Spencer questioned a little frustrated.

    “Do not pretend that you do not know,” Ashley growled. “I cannot believe you thought so lowly of me Spencer!”

    “Ashley look,” Spencer suddenly paused. She felt that weird feeling come over her body again. The blonde brought her hand up to her head as she felt a wave
    of dizziness. “Um,” she stuttered out.

    Ashley gave her a worried look. “Are you okay,” she couldn’t help but feel a little concerned for the blonde despite how angry she was.

    “Oh no,” Spencer smirked. “It is just your ugly face is making me a little sick.”

    The Martian narrowed her eyes.

    “It is quite repulsive to look at,” the blonde continued.

    “How could you say that,” Ashley said almost near tears.

    Spencer’s jaw dropped. “No, Ashley I didn’t mean to say that,” she rushed out.
    “It’s not me saying this to you.”

    “Yeah sure it is not,” the Martian hissed.

    “Who is ready to act,” Ms. Caldwell sang out to the class.

    Ashley raised her hand.

    “Yes, Ashley,” the teacher replied. “Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite student?”

    “Really,” the brunette smiled.

    “No,” Ms. Caldwell shook her head. “What is it that you want Ashley?”

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    1. oooooh! so is mads gonna get that other one, the principal (I think), to go against raife?? cuz we already know ash doesn’t believe he’s behind everything.. this is gonna be sooo good. I can’t wait to see how it all goes down!! excellent update once again! it’s been too long on this one! pms!

    2. Excellent chapter. It doesn’t look like Ashley is going to forgive Spencer especially with Raife around. So is Ashley going to look for another earthling or go back home? Can’t wait to see what Madison’s plan is. PMS.

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