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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Twenty Nine)

    “Welcome back you guys,” family and friends greeted warmly as the three solemn couples walked through the front door of the New York mansion.

    Glen took in everyone’s somber expressions. “Well, these weren’t the faces I was expecting to see after a two week vacation in Hawaii.”

    An awkward silence filled the room. All eyes shifted over to Ashley. Regularly, the rocker was the one nobody could shut up after returning home from a vacation. Strangely, instead of boasting about the trip Ashley was being quiet.

    “No,” Ryan put on a smile for the groups’ sake. “It was … It was fun. We had a blast.” The rocker secretly shot him a grateful look.

    Those words seemed to break the tension somewhat. However, Carol could see right through their fake smiles easily. One thing she noticed right away was her two granddaughters’ mood. Neither of them was making eye contact with the other and they were being unusually quiet.

    “That’s good,” Paula nodded giving her daughter a hug. “Did you have a good time sweetie?” She asked the younger blonde as she gathered the rocker into an equally warm embrace.

    “Yes, we did mom,” Spencer smiled genuinely.

    “What’d you get me?” Glen asked rubbing his hands together greedily.

    Spencer rolled her eyes, “Nice to see you too bro,” she deadpanned

    “Me too,” Samantha screamed running over next to her brother. “I want my gift first!”

    “Excuse me sucka, I asked first,” Glen teased pushing his sister behind him. “I’m sorry kiddo that’s seniority. If you don’t know what that means go look it up.”

    “But I’m cuter so, I should get mine first,” Sammy retaliated sticking her tongue out at which her older brother maturely recuperated.

    Ashley laughed at their antics. “She’s got a point there.”

    “Yeah, sure she does,” Glen grumbled playfully socking the rocker’s arm.

    Spencer reached into her suitcase. “For you Glen, a hat, and for you Sammy, a t-shirt,” she said handing them their not so awesome gifts.

    “Well, what do you say guys,” Ashley teased biting back her laugh as she stared at the siblings crestfallen features.

    “Thanks,” Samantha and Glen muttered unenthusiastically.

    Spencer, oblivious to their disappointment, replied, “You’re welcome guys. I hope I got you the right sizes. I think the small should fit you Sammy.”

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    1. I thought we had moved on from clyde too. guess not just yet. I’m not sure about spence going with ash on tour, it’s great that they’ll be together but at the same time I can’t help but think it may drive them apart. great update, pms!

    2. Okay is it a coincidence that Christie and Clyde know each other and that Christie just happens to mention Clyde’s name in passing. I think not. I don’t think Ashley should continue to go with her instincts and keep Clyde away from them and maybe she should have Clyde and Christie’s background investigated to ease her mind. I hope Spencer can handle being on tour with Ashley. Great chapter.

    3. yeah i knew clyde wasnt outa the story just yet i had no idea how you were gonna bring him back in tho…anyways kyla and ashley back to normal greatness. spencer going on tour sounds like drama…fun and good but drama lol uhm….hmmm yeah clyde idk where your gonna go with that lol been to long pms please :) awsome update.

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