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    Bartender (Ch.4)

                    “Spencer, you have got to chill,” Ashley groused a few days later as she sat in the living room of their dorm, watching TV. Spencer was vacuuming the room for the third time and it was driving Ashley up the wall. They had already cleaned the dorm twice, Aiden was kicked out for the day as he kept making messes and his general boy-ness seemed to annoy Spencer beyond belief.

                    “You don’t know my mother; she will find every spot and rant about it until Kingdom come!” She said, completely stressed out. Ashley rolled her eyes and turned off the TV, standing up and stretching her back before walking towards her room. She turned and scowled at the blonde as she followed her every step with the vacuum.


                    “So how am I supposed to know which one’s your mom?” Ashley asked later as they stood in the airport. Spencer was on pins and needles, jumping at every sudden noise.

                    “She looks just like me,” Spencer answered, “just older, obviously.”

                    “Ah, so look for a hot older lady. Got it.” Ashley responded, making Spencer blush but grin. “What time is her flight getting in?”


                    “Spencer!” Ashley groaned, looking at her watch. “It’s only twelve!”

                    “I wanted to get here early just in case.” Spencer shrugged, looking sheepish. Ashley shook her head, unbelievingly. She wasn’t even sure why she was here, except that the thought of Spencer standing alone in a crowded airport surrounded by creeps made her want to punch someone.

                    “Come on babe let’s find somewhere to get a drink,” Ashley said, rolling her eyes. Spencer looked apprehensive so Ashley walked up and grabbed her shoulders. “You. Need. To. Relax.” Ashley said, chuckling. Spencer looked at her for a second before grinning back. “Now, come on.” She reached down and for the first time initiated the hand holding. Spencer looked down for a second, smiling at the sight. Ashley couldn’t stop her smile either and soon their eyes locked. Ashley unconsciously took a step closer and instantly Spencer’s eyes clouded with doubt and she looked away. “Right, let’s get that drink.” Ashley said awkwardly before leading the blonde away.


                    An hour later Ashley and Spencer were standing in their original spots by the luggage claim, talking while they waited. Spencer had yet to drop Ashley’s hand and the brunette had a sneaking suspicion that it was helping her relax.

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    1. this story is funny, cute, interesting, etc. Really enjoy reading it. It’s so funny what Ashley thought about Clark’s name haha. And Puala, ugh, is she a witch or something? lol I’m glad that Ashley didn’t hold back and spoke up for Spencer. Nice! please pms

    2. Hells yeah Ashley! Get ’em! But I’m pretty sure that’s going to come back and bite her in the ass. And for the Clark dude, really? I don’t even know what to say about him. Awesome update and I can’t wait for the next one!

    3. oh damn. hell yea to ash for telling paula off, but uh oh.. how is spencer gonna react to it?? clark’s an ass, he needs to be gone, like now. excellent update, pms please!!

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