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    Bartender (Ch.8)

    “So, what all do we need?” Spencer asked, laughing at Ashley as she rode the cart down the aisle. “We have everything for the spaghetti and bread, are we gonna fix anything else?”

    “Do you want anything else?” The brunette asked, stopping for a second to look at a magazine with a puzzled expression.

    “Can I push the cart?” Spencer asked, laughing at Ashley’s raised eyebrow.

    “No, that’s my job.” She said, keeping a protective foot on the cart as she flipped through the magazine. “That’s my sister. Kyla,” She said, instantly catching Spencer’s attention. The glossy magazine cover showed a young brunette with curly hair and the same puzzled expression that Ashley got. The girl was staring at a wrecked Porsche with a cell phone attached to her ear. “Hang on…” Ashley trailed off, staring at the car. “THAT’S MY CAR!” She yelled, scaring two old ladies that were walking by.”Oh, that bitch didn’t even call me!” She bellowed, snatching out her cell phone and hitting the speed dial.


    “Hey there, sis.” Ashley said sarcastically, not noticing Spencer’s devious expression as she was busy chewing out Kyla. “No, I’m not mad, you know… you just completely demolished my favorite car and then didn’t tell me about it, but no, everything is peachy.” Ashley was taken by surprise as suddenly the cart was moved from under her foot and she turned to watch Spencer rolling down the aisle, turned around laughing at Ashley’s shocked expression. “Spen-“ She yelled, as the blonde crashed the buggy into a rack of magazines. “Kyla I’m gonna have to call you back. Yes, yes I’m still mad. No, I’ll – I’ll call you later!” She yelled over Kyla’s pleas as she ran towards where the blonde was laying, laughing.

    Magazines were strewn around her and the cart had overturned, one wheel still spinning rapidly. “Spencer, shit, are you okay?” She was in hysterics, her whole body shaking with laughter. She nodded as she sat up, still laughing. Ashley’s mouth twitched as she fought not to laugh as well. Spencer’s messed up hair and twinkling eyes made it impossible though, and they sat laughing until they cried until a stern faced manager came over and asked them not-kindly to leave. Spencer held Ashley’s hand again as they walked out.

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    1. Whoa, wtf just happened?! You can’t just leave it like that… Is this a joke??? How can you be doing this right now?!? The cruelty is astounding. Really, you must pms. Like now would be nice. Please?

    2. NOOOOO you did that again and again. Man!! you don’t know how much I’m upset now. Please don’t be so mean, ok? LOL I’m so addicted to your story. love the romantic atmosphere. Well, it seemed like everything was pushing them into getting CLOSER & CLOSER :D Great update and please post now!!

    3. okay give my body a minute to cool down… okay, that was so so cruel. seriously? I think you should post the next chapter right now and that it should be full of hot spashley sex in order to make up for this cliff hanger! pms!!!!

    4. I can tell that you like being mean! Come on, a cliffhanger! Okay I admit sometimes they are good, but this one just sucked! pms . . . please?!

    5. ahh you mean person you lol as soon as i saw your author’s note i knew you were gonna do this damnit talk about getting your hopes up and crushing it! brutal!lol anyways pms like super soon and continue from exactly where you stopped! lol :) okay! thanks!

    6. so much for not being mad at you. and so help me if spence freaks out again and the bad vibes start happening…. grrrr. loved how ash found out about her car, that was great. you’d better be over there posting right now!

    7. you know what? I’m just gonna say that this made me happy..NOT mad. Maybe this way you’l stop doing such terrible things as leaving us hanging on a potential hot, sex scene of the Spashley type. Totally killing me here!

    8. You are so mean. But on the flip slide, I was away from my computer all weekend and then I come on here just to find two new posts! I was way excited, but you’re still mean for ending it like that. Pleeease post again soon!

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