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                    “Come on Spence, I never ask anything of you!” My brother Glen whined from behind my closed door.

                    “Actually, you ask me to do loads of stuff,” He paused for a minute and I grinned as I realized that he didn’t have a comeback. “Glen I just don’t feel like going to a party tonight.”

                    “Please? I told Aiden I’d bring you! I can’t leave the man hanging!” I wrinkled my nose in disgust at Aiden’s name. Aiden was Glen’s best friend and fellow basketball star at King High. My family had just moved to LA four weeks ago and already Glen was one of the most popular boys on campus. I wasn’t exactly a nerd though, as I’d recently made the cheerleading squad and people were starting to take notice of me; especially Aiden who couldn’t seem to get the fact that I didn’t want him through his thick skull. “I’ll do your chores for a week!” He finally said, making me grin.

                    “Two weeks,”

                    “One and a half,”

                    “Two weeks or no deal,” I said, laughing when I heard him cussing until he finally agreed.


                    “Meet me back at the car at one,” Glen said, as he got out of the car that we’d parked a respectable distance from the large mansion where the party was being held. It still amazed me that people I went to school with everyday were filthy rich, some even staring in movies. This particular party was being held by Ashley Davies. She was notorious for getting kicked out of almost every private school in the country until her father had finally given up and enrolled her at King High in her hometown of LA. Her face had been on countless magazine covers and she’d guest starred in a couple movies but her main claim to fame was her music. She’d just released her first album and it’d gone platinum almost instantly. I had yet to actually see her at school or anywhere other than a magazine cover or TV screen really.

                    I walked into the over-crowded house and fought my way through the huge living room and into the kitchen. I saw Aiden’s huge muscle bound form from across the room and instantly ducked into another room. The house was huge and I couldn’t seem to find my way back into the living room so I wandered around. I somehow found my way into a dark hallway with just two other people in it, both wrapped up in making out against a staircase. I walked quietly past them and up the stairs, looking around the second floor. There didn’t seem to be anyone else up here and I wondered vaguely if I would get in trouble for being there so I turned only to hear someone coming up the stairs so I darted into the next door that I saw. I found myself in a dimly lit game room and spun around trying to take it all in. The room was huge and had couches and game machines lining three of the four walls and a bar set up against the other wall. There was a huge flat screen hanging on one of the walls and a pool table set up in the middle of the room with a poker table on the other side of it. I started walking towards the pool table when the lights switched fully on. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I finally saw the girl that was sitting on a huge leather couch, a book in her lap.

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    1. I too love it. In fact, I love all of your fan fic. So pls write more. one shot, two shots, three shots or the update of other stories, anything pls :D

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