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    Danger – (Chapter: Chapter 1)

                                                        November 10, 2009

    The blonde girl is laying on the cold rock hard floor lifeless. Her body has not moved since she got thrown there by Crimson. The blonde girl had a choice to live or to die. She chose to die to save her loved one. Ashley ran up to her body screaming out her name. “ SPENCER! “ Blood ran out of her eyes holding the lifeless body that was once her lover. She looked up to her master Neferet for help.

    “ Pleassse. “

    She cried out to her. Neferet look down at her child and put a hand on her right cheek, Kissing her forehead.

    “ I’m sorry my child. “

    She said walking away leaving her child there to cry for her loss. Ashley cried harder holding the lifeless body with care. She moved the girl’s blonde hair out of her face and seen her pale skin. Ashley kissed her soft lips before picking up the body walking pass Crimson, Neferet and all the others who she calls her family.

    She walked what felt like miles to the spot they first kissed. This is the spot where they declared that they love each other. This is the spot where they first began to fall for each other more then they should have. Ashley put down the body softly on the dirt ground and began to dig a hole for her loved ones body. She kissed her pink lips one more time before picking her up and putting her into that deep hole.

    “ I will be with you soon my love. “

    She said as she lays next to the pile of dirt she put over her loved one, waiting for the sun to come up and take her life.


                                           September 5, 2009

    I lay there thinking about what just happened. I just saw Fang and Neferet kissing. I mean Neferet is my mother. She is the one who saved me from dying when I was a mortal. She is the one who changed me to immortal. She is my master and my mother. I will always be there for her, but Fang? Out of all the vamps she could have she chose him. Neferet is a beautiful women who has power. She has long wavy red hair, not the ugly red hair, but the dark red hair, that frames her face. Making her green eyes look brighter then what they really are. She has a body that curves in all the right places. Her breasts are so prefect. She loves to show them off by wearing stuff that cuts down in between the valley of her breasts.

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    1. Very interesting storyline. Me personally, I haven’t read a vamp SoN ff. I’m not too big on the whole vampire scene, but it’s Spashley, and I’m always up for new stories =) so pms please

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