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    My Alien Girlfriend – (Chapter: The Finale)

    Dean Howards’ Office

    “So let me get this straight,” Zyphorian began. “My best friend in the whole wide solar system, Raife, is doing everything in his power to make sure Spencer and Ashley never get back together?”

    “That’s right,” Madison said with a nod.

    The Martian continued. “And you want me to help stop him so that Spencer and Ashley could be together and live happily ever after?”

    “You go it,” the Latina smiled.

    Zy shook her head. “I do not know if I can do that.”

    “You’re the only one that can help me,” Spencer said desperately.

    “Well,” the Martian crossed her arms. “On that dvd when you said all of those hurtfull things about Ashley, was your voice being manipulated then?”

    The blonde looked down ashamed, “No,” she whispered. “That unfortunately, was all me. None of that was Raife.”

    “How do I know you are really in love with Ashley then,” Zyphorian questioned leaning forward in her seat. “Do you think about her all the time?”

    Spencer nodded. “Every minute of the day.”

    “Does your heart speed up when-“

    “I hear her voice, when her hand brushes against mine, when she enters the room, when she smiles, when she says my name, when are eyes meet,” the blonde finished with a nostalgic smile. “Yes.”

    “Wow,” the Martian and Latina gasped.

    “I know,” Spencer said with a nod. “I’ve fallen that hard and I need to be able to tell Ashley all of this but Raife is preventing me from doing so.”

    “Is there anything you can do to stop him,” Madison inquired.

    “Actually no there is not,” Zyphorian informed with a shake of her head.

    “Great,” the blonde sighed sinking back into her seat. “Now what am I going to do? If I can’t tell Ashley how I really feel about her she’s gonna be going home for sure.”

    “You did not let me finish,” Zy continued. “There is nothing that I can do as far as using my powers go because Raife is far too powerful. However, there is something that I can tell you to do.”

    “What is it? I’ll do anything,” Spencer asked desperately.

    “When you try to tell Ashley how you feel does a strange feeling come over your body?” the Martian asked.

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    1. omg the ending had me rolling. I’m so sad this story is done, but have enjoyed reading it immensely! the humor in it never failed to crack me up. excellent job. looking forward to more love n rock and roll.

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