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    Danger – (Chapter: Chapter 2)

                                                September 6, 2009



    I woke up to the sound of an alarm that wasn’t mine. I hate Glen’s alarm you think he could make it where it doesn’t wake up the whole house. On top of that it’s not even a school day. I grunt and roll myself out of bed, getting ready for the day. I’m going to spend the night at Willows, so I guess I can get stuff ready for that. I think we’re going to a party tonight. Which is why I’m spending the night at her house.



    I don’t want mommy dearest to find out that her oh so perfect little girl is not as perfect as she thinks I am. I start the shower and start to strip from my tank top and star track underwear. I put my hand in the showers water to test to see if it’s the right temperature. When I got into the shower I start to think about the girl in the mall that made my heart go a thousand miles per hour. No one has ever made me feel that way. It’s weird she was really cold too. She has curly brown hair that frames her face perfectly. Her lips are so perfect for her face. She has deep brown eyes that will forever make me think of her.



    The way my hand tingled when she touch me was so weird. She was cold to the touch. I heard story about people who are cold to the touch are dangerous. then again danger is my middle name. Well okay should be my middle name. Right now it’s Amy, lame right. I got out of the shower and head over to my dresser. I pull out a pink skirt with a white t-shirt that says ‘ Sexy’. I then got out a red bra with a red thong.



    I then wait in the front yard for Willow to get her cute butt over here. She loves to be fashionably late or she just knows how much I hate waiting for her. I laid down on the green grass looking up at the sky. It looks like there might be a storm. The sky is gray with a little bite of yellow sinking pass the clouds.

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    1. I asked in my last comment if Zoey was going to make an appearance or one of the gang? Willow there is she a witch? I can’t believe Spencer was ok with the fact that Ashley bit her twice. She does think that’s strange. Post soooooon!!!

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