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    Trying Times – (Chapter: Two-Softball)


    The next two weeks I saw her in the halls all the time… Because I changed my paths in the halls to do just that. We’d always smiled at each other, small, concealed smiles. Every time I saw her, I got a tingly feeling in the pit of my stomach that I couldn’t explain. To this day I get that feeling, but now I know why…


    Anyway, all my friends wondered what was up. Everyone I used to walk with wanted to know where I was going between classes. I just told them I needed to stop at my locker more often, and they let it go, but I know most of them still had their suspicions. Things got more complicated when softball tryouts began.


    I’m not going to lie, I was nervous on the first day. Not because I was nervous about making the team, but because of her. Ashley knew I played, and I knew she knew. I also knew she would be watching me like I would watch her. She wasn’t talking to me, though. I figured it was because she was embarrassed in front of her senior friends even though they all knew me. I was okay with it, I’d just have to show her that I was worthy of her attention.


    I showed off during the tryouts, being the best Freshman, and even one of the best out there. I was almost as fast as Ashley, who was the fastest on the team, and we were in the best shape, so we finished all of the running first. She looked impressed, but she still didn’t openly acknowledge me. I figured I’d just have to try harder. After everyone was done, coach put us all together for hitting according to how we did in the running. Of course, I was with Ashley.


    “So, are you going to actually talk to me now?” I asked a little harshly.


    “Maybe, depends on whether or not you get rid of that attitude,” she replied.


    “Am I not worthy of your presence now that people can see us talking?” I ask, keeping my attitude.


    “That’s not the case at all Spencer. I was just more comfortable the other night with alcohol in my system. I don’t know you that well, and I didn’t know if you wanted to talk to me… Did you ever think of that?” she responds, effectively making me feel like a dumbass.

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