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    Alteration – (Chapter: (8) Reality Part 2)


    “Why are you here?”

    She knew who led him here, but not why he came. He glanced at her quickly before continuing his eventful staring at anything but his livid daughter.

    “Was it not enough that you treated me like shit back home? Or that I was miserable there? Do I have to be miserable here too? Is that your job? Make your daughter’s life a living hell?”

    His tears infuriated her. What right did he have to sit there and cry? As if he was the victim? Why would a cold, heartless person like him even shed a tear?

    “Why are you here?”

    She annunciated each word as its own sentence, trying desperately to get the question through his seemingly thick skull. He finally turns to her, giving all his attention to the teen.

    “You’re my daughter, I wanted to see you”


    She spat back at him as the word ‘see’ came from his mouth.

    “I lived with you for roughly seventeen years. Why didn’t you want to see me then? Why now when I’m across the country and finally becoming happy?”

    “He stared hard at his little girl, trying to take her in before he was booted from her life, this time for good. Noticing that he wasn’t going to answer, she heavily sighed before standing up and looking down at her father.

    ‘Ha, father? More like a joke, ever since Ma left.’

    When you get healthy enough, you’re being sent to a rehab facility. And yes, you have to. Your only other option is jail for possession charges.”

    There was a pause, an awkward staring match consisting of Ashley boring a hole into the side of Raife’s face, before he spoke.

    “I agreed to send you out here because I saw how sad you were at home. I was always trying to keep you from the music industry, from becoming me, and I saw it as the greatest chance of doing that. And while you were gone, I was gunna get clean. I promised myself kid, I promised and I broke it. How am I supposed to take care of you when I can’t do so for myself?”


    She stood stagnant and in blissful surprise as their little drama filled bubble burst at the sound of a knock on the door that was followed by it opening.

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