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    The Nanny II

    The Nanny II


    7 Months later…


    “Nanny Spencer!” Golden brown curls bounced around Sophia’s shoulders as she ran down the long corridor of the mansions east wing; heading towards the guests quarters, where Spencer’s room was located.


    The blonde nanny waited till the little stampede got closer before opening her door, knowing that the door would receive a beating if it remained closed, with Sophia on the other side.


    “Sophia, you know being called a nanny makes me feel like an oldie.” Spencer stood with her arms folding looking at the mini clone of Ashley Davies bouncing around in front of her.


    “Oh sorry Miss Spencer, I forgot” Sophia said, grinning widely when Spencer bent down and picked her up. “There’s a crazy lady at the door for you.” Spencer started walking in the direction that the little fingers pointed. “Have you been a bad girl again Miss Spencer?” Spencer stopped walking for a second, and then continued down the hall.


    “What do you mean again, I’m always a good girl?” Spencer insisted. She was being quite honest with that fact as well, since the last time she remembered being in trouble was when she had eaten all the brownies her mom had made one morning when she was 8.


    “That’s not what I heard mommy says a last week in her office, she said you were a very bad girl and should be p…” Spencer reacted quickly, covering the little girl’s mouth. Sophia started giggling, trying to free her mouth from Spencer hand.


    Spencer was still blushing profusely as she walked through the doors leading to the main hall. The night Sophia was referring to was one of the few nights where she and Ashley had played around; it was nothing serious, just some fun. Not that either of them could deny that they both wanted more.


    The blonde hoped that Ashley’s daughter hadn’t stuck around to hear her punishment taking place, because that would be an embarrassment worth death. She had been so sure that Sophia would be out for the entire night when she had put her to bed… apparently not.


    Over the past 7 months Spencer had grown very close to the young girl in her arms, when she wasn’t out with Ashley on ‘none’ dates she spent all day with the small brunette. Sophia had also grown attached the Spencer and stilled called her, her angel, whenever she was talking to her mom about the blonde.

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    1. “mommy why are you a freak in the sheets?” OMFG you had me cracking up with that one! anyway, so glad you’re continuing this story, I’ve gone back through and re-read the first part, and I’m loving it just as much. so here’s to seeing more soon eh?!

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