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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Six)

    As soon as Ashley shut the door to Ryan’s hospital room she could feel she was about to break down. It felt as if she was having a heart attack. She took in a few ragged deep breaths and closed her eyes.

    A noise startled her slightly. She turned to see a nurse pick up a fallen closed prescription pill bottle. The nurse looked around to see if anyone had seen, she made eye contact with Ashley and blushed. The rocker slowly moved towards the flustered worker.

    “Hey,” Ashley greeted with a small smile.

    The nurse’s blush deepened. “Hello,” she replied shyly.

    The rocker couldn’t help but smirk at the bashful greeting. “I was wondering,” Ashley began gaining the nurse’s attention. “I was wondering if you could do me a favor.”


    “Where’s Spencer and Grandma,” Ashley asked Aiden as she sauntered back into the waiting room and took a seat next to him.

    “Grandma’s with Kyla and Spencer’s on the phone with her parents,” he replied crossing his arms. He shifted uncomfortably as an awkward silence filled the room.

    Ashley let out a sigh, “Elmer’s,” she whispered. “Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say those things to you. It was stupid of me.”

    Aiden shrugged, “Whatever,” he muttered looking down.

    “I said I was sorry Aiden,” the rocker repeated with remorseful eyes. “You know how I get when I’m anxious and scared. I say dumb things.”

    “Don’t you think I’m scared too,” Aiden shot back looking her in the eyes. “I’m scared too Ashley. She is my cousin after all. You don’t see me … saying mean things do you?”

    Ashley looked slightly taken aback. “Well, no I just-”

    “Listen Ashley,” he intervened shaking his head sadly. “I know … I know I’m not the smartest guy or-”


    “No,” he stopped her. “I know I’m not the smartest guy. Okay? I know I don’t always understand what’s going on … but…” He said looking down. “I almost lost my cousin today… I’m scared too… we’re all scared.”

    Ashley bit her lip as she tried to keep her tears at bay. “I know,” she whispered setting her hand on his arm comfortingly. “I’m sorry.”

    Aiden held onto her hand, “It’s okay,” he replied. A change of subject was in order, Elmer’s could sense it. “So, how did things go with Ryan?”

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    1. sad thing is, it’s probably not all that hard for ash to get more if she really wants to. I’m hoping she comes clean to spence, and rethinks the whole situation with ryan. excellent job, pms!

    2. Excellent. I’m glad Ashley felt she needed to talk to someone about what she did. Now she needs to learn to lean on Spencer. Ashley needs to realize that Spencer is her strength and she needs to apologize to Ryan, he loves Kyla as much as she does. I hope Kyla comes out of the coma soon with no brain damage but that would be too easy… wouldn’t it. PMASAP.

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