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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Forty Three)

    As the group reached the ER doors they opened. A surgeon exited with solemn eyes. He gave the rocker a blank look and shook his head.

    “No,” Ashley whispered as her legs collapsed from under her.

    “Ashley,” Spencer whispered gripping her arm.

    “This can’t be happening,” the rocker cried.

    “Ashley,” the blonde repeated a little more sternly. “Wake up.”

    Ashley frowned, “What?”

    “Wake up,” Spencer repeated.

    The rocker awoke with a start. She frantically looked around taking in her surroundings. Ashley frowned when she found she was in the hospital’s private waiting room with Spencer leaning over her. Amusement danced in the blonde’s eyes.

    “What happened,” Ashley asked bringing her hand up to wipe at her eyes.

    “You were starting to snore,” Spencer replied taking a seat next to the rocker.

    “Where’s grandma,” Ashley questioned alarmed. She quickly got out of her seat and frantically searched aimlessly around the room.

    “Ashley, calm down,” Spencer said worriedly as she stopped the rocker’s movement. “She’s in the cafeteria getting lunch,” she continued.

    “How can she get lunch,” Ashley questioned running her hand through her hair.

    Spencer placed her hand on the rocker’s forehead. “Are you okay?”

    “She’s not in the ER is she,” Ashley whimpered. “Please tell me it was just a dream Spencer please. Please tell me grandma didn’t die. She can’t be in the ER.”

    Spencer’s face contorted with confusion, “Why would she be in the,” the blonde paused. “You must’ve been having a nightmare.”

    “It was a nightmare,” the rocker repeated quietly.

    Spencer nodded and gripped her fiancée’s hand, “It was a nightmare.”

    “It felt so real,” Ashley whispered with a sigh. “I don’t even remember falling asleep.”

    “After we visited Kyla I suggested you take a nap,” Spencer recalled. “You haven’t gotten any sleep for hours Ash. You were like a zombie.”

    “Thanks for your honest,” the rocker deadpanned.

    Spencer grinned lightly and asked, “What happened in your nightmare?”

    The rocker sighed, “Um … we had just gotten done visiting Kyla and I was making a joke about our-”

    “Honeymoon,” the blonde finished.

    “Yeah,” Ashley frowned. “How did you-”

    “That actually happened,” Spencer replied. “It was after that we went here so you could rest.”

    “Oh,” the rocker nodded. “Well, in my dream we were walking and then Aiden ran up to us and said grandma had just been rushed to the ER and when we got to the emergency room we found out Grandma had passed away-”

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    1. OMG please post more soon…i really like where this is going…*poders to self about a game of strip air hockey*….haha i want an air hockey table now

    2. I must admit you do know how to turn the tables on your readers. Excellent chapter. I’m glad grandma is alive and well or is she and did Spencer and Ashley really play air hockey. Oh well I’ll just wait for the next chapter. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next.

    3. yes! grandma didn’t kick it and the girls had some drama free time! wooot! even though ash was a bit of a sore lose, although I had to admit she came up with a very good excuse! excellent update, pms!

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