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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Forty Five)

    “That’s sweet of you,” Spencer giggled on the other line.

    “So, what are you doing right now,” the rocker questioned as she ran her fingers through her slightly disheveled hair.

    “Well, I’m in bed… I was kind of sleeping.”

    The rocker winced, “Sorry.”

    “You know I’ll always make an exception for you.”

    “I know,” Ashley whispered looking down. She heaved a heavy sigh. “Listen, Spencer, I really need to see you-”

    “I don’t think I can catch a flight out at this time.”

    “No seriously,” the rocker said. “Is it possible that you could get onto your laptop so that we could Skype right now? There’s something I need … I need to tell you something.”

    There was a slight rustle heard and then an unsure reply, “Um … okay,” the blonde spoke quietly. “I’ll see you soon. Bye.”

    “Bye,” the rocker replied. She shuffled over to her laptop and logged on. After a few minutes they were both on. Spencer looked adorable with her disheveled blonde hair and her pajamas. Ashley couldn’t help but smile. “Hey, Angel.”

    “Hey,” Spencer giggled with a wave. “Isn’t your concert in like an hour?”

    “Yeah,” Ashley responded.

    “You ready for it?”

    “Of course,” the brunette nodded.

    “So, what do you want to talk about,” Spencer asked with a tilt of the head.

    “Right,” Ashley let out a sigh. “About fifteen minutes ago Heather had locked herself into her dressing room and she had refused to come out.”

    “Oh no,” the blonde gasped. “Is Heather okay?”

    “Not quite,” the rocker continued. “I went to go check up on her and it turns out she’s back on drugs, the heavy stuff. I found powder in her purse.”

    “What’d you do,” Spencer questioned with a worried frown.

    “I threw the shit… sorry, stuff away,” Ashley replied. “I told her I would get her some help and she started to cry so I hugged her and then she…” Ashley paused and looked down. Suddenly, looking into Spencer’s penetrating blue eyes had become too difficult of a task to do.

    Now the blonde was really worried, “Ashley,” she questioned. She watched the rocker sigh and timidly look back up at her. “What did Heather do?”

    “Heather must’ve gotten mixed signals and,” the rocker took in a deep breath. “She all of a sudden kissed me, and I kind of kissed her back, but, only for like a millisecond before I shoved her off of me,” Ashley explained quickly.

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    1. i love this story! i just wish all the drama would do away and they would finally get married, cause i am so ready for the honeymoon ;) but great post!

    2. I so called how spence would react. and I think she did overreact a tad and I’m glad kyla put her in her place about it. spence has an unnatural talent for overreacting in this story. anyway.. heather- gone- NOW! please? for the love of god get rid of her. I can just imagine the kind of shit she’s gonna say to spence on the phone, getting her all worked up thinking ash is sleeping with her or something. because that’s how heather is, EVIL. so yea, can you maybe have someone throw her from the bus? I really wouldn’t mind. other than that, great update. pms, so that I can see how the evil one screws this up even more.

    3. Where is the trust that Spencer said she had. She’s going to have to trust Ashley more if their relationship is going to last. Maybe Ashley should keep some things to herself but knowing Heather she would rub it in Spencer’s face and Ashley would still be in the puppy house. Great chapter. Can’t wait for the next one. Hurry!

    4. Ok tellin the truth is ALWAYS a good thing. I hate heather with a passion even more then i did before. And Love how everyone is lovin the clifhangers! THANKS LOVE ITGREAT STORY POST MORE SOON

    5. I just started reading this and caught up in 2days. Each post is a 5 star! I’m so sucked in to this story! I hate that cunt and I seriously hope she doesn’t ruin things with Spencer and Ashley right when they were about to get better! Please pms or I might explode D:

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