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    Family Secrets (Ch. 2)

                    After about an hour of their screaming at each other Glen went upstairs and got Aiden out of there. They disappeared as Chelsea and I walked up the stairs to check on our sister in law. Spencer was sitting on the side of the bathtub, rocking back in forth with her face buried in her hands. Chelsea immediately rushed in and sat beside the blonde, who just looked up with a watery smile. For all the years that I’d known Spencer I’d only seen her cry once, it was while we were driving down the road, listening to Ashley’s newest CD. I’d been telling her about my pregnancy woes and when I glanced over to see why she was so silent tears were streaming down her beautiful face. She’d never told me what that was about and after many ignored anvil sized hints, I gave up trying to find out. This was the second time in the five years that I’d known the girl.  

                    “Hey now, it can’t be that bad.” I replied, sitting on the toilet cover. Spencer shook her head and pushed her hair behind her ear. “If I can have a kid you can.”

                    “I do not want this baby.” She said, the venom in her voice surprising me. Chelsea didn’t say anything, she just squeezed Spencer’s hand and the blonde girl looked into her eyes, searching for an understanding which Chelsea apparently had because Spencer collapsed against her still sobbing. I got the impression that this had something to do with the big thing that I wasn’t allowed to know about. Perhaps Spencer had gotten pregnant in high school and lost the child? No, they wouldn’t go to such lengths to hide that because Chelsea had been through the same thing. Besides, Spencer had always told me that Aiden was the only boy she’d been with and they weren’t together in high school.

                    “Does Ash know?” Chelsea asked gently, making Spencer nod slowly. A grave look passed over Chelsea’s face and my yearning for her knowledge overwhelmed me again. So it was something to do with Ashley, of course. She was the other part of them, a part of the glue that held the group together. She seemed to be about the only one who could call Spencer off Aiden and vice versa.

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    1. I left a comment on the first one before I realized u already posted this one… Guess I should check first before I post…. But I soooooo wanna kno what’s going on… I like having the story in rachels POV but I also don’t since she’s the ONLY one that has no idea wths going on!! Ugh.. Its frustrating…. But pms… Before a month goes by…….

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