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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Forty Six)

    Eric groggily awoke from his nap and let out a sigh. He cleared his dry throat and spoke to himself, “Eric,” he said. “Yes, Eric? Do you think Ashley would mind if you snuck a beer or two out of her dressing room’s refrigerator?” He looked contemplative and then said. “Of course not Eric,” he nodded satisfied and stood up.

    Heather had her thumb hovering over the talk button. When she heard the door opening she quickly chucked the ringing phone to a nearby couch and let out a shaky breath. Eric stepped into the room.

    “Ahhh,” he screamed when he saw Heather standing in the room.

    Heather jumped slightly at the driver’s voice. “Are you okay,” she asked tentatively.

    “I didn’t pee my pants,” Eric replied taking in deep breathes. “I assume that means I’m okay. Um, I don’t mean to sound rude or anything but what the hell are you doing here … in Ashley’s dressing room … where Ashley dresses?”

    “Oh, I um,” Heather nervously twiddled with her hands. “I wanted to talk to Ashley about something that happened earlier.”

    Eric was about to respond when he heard Ashley’s phone vibrating on the couch. He walked over to it and picked it up. The driver put the phone to his ear and turned around. He frowned when he noted Heather had left.

    “What’s up Spence-a-nator?” He greeted.


    “No, it’s the Queen of England,” the driver deadpanned.

    “Is Ashley already out on stage?”

    “Yep,” he replied. “She’ll be off in about two hours. Do you want me to leave a message for her or something?”

    “Um, no, just tell her to call me back.”

    “No problem,” he paused. “Ah, are you okay Spence, you don’t sound too good?”

    “I’m… fine.”

    “Liar liar pants on fire!”

    “Look Eric, I’m not in the mood for joking!”

    Eric’s eyebrow’s rose in surprise. He had never heard the blonde so pissed before. “I’m sorry Spencer I didn’t mean to-”

    “No, I’m sorry Eric,” Spencer apologized. “I didn’t mean to yell, it’s just …I’m not in the greatest of moods right now okay?”

    “I hear ya,” he replied sincerely.

    “I have to go… bye.”

    The line suddenly went dead. The driver hung up the phone and set it down on the vanity. Eric frowned, now he was thoroughly confused. Beers forgotten he shuffled out of the dressing room and into the green room where the rest of the Trouble Makers were hanging out.

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    1. ok really, heather makes it very hard to read this story. I knew spence was gonna do something like this and I knew ash was gonna go all crazy about it. in case I haven’t mentioned, I hate heather.

    2. Wow! Great chapter. What’s up with Spencer. I mean after all Ashley is only human and it’s not like she made out with the skank. You can’t even say it was a kiss. Spencer needs to get over it and move on with her relationship. Don’t let a skank like Heather or any skank come between them. Doesn’t Spencer realize what kind of effect the breakup would have on Ashley and the tour and now Ashley may be in real trouble. Maybe Spencer should be put in the same position as Ashley. Good grief. PMASAP!

    3. Oh crap not good!!! I don’t like them not together! they need to get back together soon and Heather needs the get the hell out of everyones lives!!

    4. Poor poor Ashley. I wouldn’t have done the photo shoot either… but I wouldn’t have kissed her back or bothered to comfort her in the first place, but still. poor Ashley. Great post.

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