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    Hoops – (Chapter: 14 pt.2)

    “Where have you been?” Ashley said, staring daggers at me.

    “Wait a minute…” what’s-his-face interrupted, his eyes lighting up in recognition. “Holy crap! You’re Ashley Davies!  What the hell are you doing in Ohio?  I can’t wait to tell my boys.  Do you want to get in on this or something?”  He pointed at me and himself.

    I turned to him disgusted.  Was this guy serious?  Now I didn’t feel bad about forgetting his name.

    “I thought you were going to wait over there,” Ashley said, pointing to our reserved seating and completely ignoring the guy.  “We’ve been looking for you for at least, like, an hour.”

    “I haven’t even been gone–” I stopped, distracted as the guy took out his camera phone and started snapping pictures of Ashley like a paparazzo.  Why was she even looking for me anyway? She didn’t seem all that worried about me when she was dancing with that red-head. She was probably upset because I left her purse unattended. Well, I’m no one’s purse-watcher. I put on this uncomfortable, skanky little dress to have fun and doggone it I was going to.  I could have just as much fun as she could.

    “Chill out, Ashley.  I was just here talking to…”  I turned to the guy for a little help.

    “Nick,” he said, smiling as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

    I inwardly cringed at the gesture but drew in closer.

    “We were just getting ready to dance,” I said, reaching out and jerking my drink out of Ashley’s hand without spilling a drop. “Do you mind?”

    This was going to be…interesting.  The only dance I knew was the Soulja Boy and I didn’t think that was going to impress this crowd.  But who was she to come over here and poke her nose into what I was doing?  She could just go back to her little red-headed friend. 

    Ashley looked at Nick for the first time, eyeing him suspiciously. After a long moment she turned back to me, saying, “You know what you’re doing, right?”

    “Yeah, I’m fine, Ashley,” I said a bit annoyed.  I didn’t have a clue what I was doing.  But she needed to mind her own business.  Plus, Nick’s hand had begun creeping lower and lower down my back, and I didn’t want to knock it away in front of her.

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