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    Bette&Tina, True Love/chapter 1, looking

    Tina got to the gallery and went to Bette Porter’s office. She saw the door open but knocked anyway. Bette looked up from her desk and saw Tina.
    Bette: Tina Hi!, come in. Bette got up and came around from her desk with the earring Tina had lost at the opening two days earlier.
    Bette: I could of sworn I watched you put this back on.
    Tina: yeah, I thought I did to.
    Bette came and stood in front of Tina, very close, with the earring in the palm of her hand. Tina reached to take the earring and Bette held her gaze and her hand, then she leaned in and kissed her. Tina did not pull away, she leaned into the kiss. Bette stepped back and had a slight smile on her face.
    Bette: I’m sorry Tina, I had to know?
    Tina: Had to know what?
    Bette: If you taste as good as you look.
    Tina: Bette I’m …I’m sorry but I’m not,
    I’ve never……
    Bette: Mayber you should.
    Tina was blushing and speechless. Finally she found her voice. I gotta go, Thanks for finding my earring. she rushed to the door. Bette called out to her: Tina? Tina stopped and looked at her Yeah?
    Bette: Just think about it.
    Tina turned and got tto her car as fast as she could, she got in and collapsed her head on the steering wheel. What the ***** was that? she thought. I’m not *****, at least I didn’t think,,,but Bette Porter was one beautiful, ***** woman. Every since Eric introduced them a couple of weeks ago, she felt an attraction to her. Bette had always been warm, friendly and interested in her comments on the art pieces and things she said, and God what a smile. Tina shook her head as if to clear her mind. She had to get to work. She looked in the mirror and touched her lips, she thought of that kiss, it was so, so, good. Jeez, she thought forget it Tina she said to herself and she headed to her office.

    Meanwhile back at the gallery Bette was thinking, what did do? She’s a straight woman for gods sake, yet she did feel her kiss her back and she didn’t try and stop her. And damn it was so good. From the first time she had seen Tina she felt a connection, she was beautiful, shy but warm, and very *****. She knew there was something differant about Tina Kennard, she was special, she knew with that kiss a spark had been lit, so she had to plan her next moves carefully, she didn’t want to scare her off. She sat at her desk thinking about her strategy and hoping Tina was thinking about her too.
    Bette didn’t know where Tina worked, she needed to find out, so she could but her plan in action. She looked in her files and found Eric’s number. She dialed his number and his secretary put her through.
    Eric: Hello, Bette?
    Bette: Eric, Hi, how are you?
    Eric: Fine, and you?
    Bette: Great, Eric the reason I’m calling is I found Tina’s earring and I thought I’d call her and tell her its here, anytime she wants to pick it up and I also have the new prints she said she wanted to see, but I realized I don’t have her number or know where she works.
    Eric: Oh sure, she loves those earrings but she’s always loosing one, she’ll be glad to know you found it. Her number is 555-3131, she’s at the Eastridge clinic, she’s a pediatrician there.
    Bette: Wow, I didn’t realize she was a doctor, and eastridge is just a few miles from here. I’ll give her a call.
    Eric: Yeah, she’s beautiful and smart, I’m a lucky guy.
    Bette: yes you are she thought. Well thanks Eric I’ll let you get back to work. See ya soon. Bye.
    Bette thought she’s a doctor, she’s wonderful and I’m going to make her fall in love with me.
    Tina was working away, she was done with patients for the day, but was trying to catch up on paper work, and answering calls.
    She loved her work, it was what she had always wanted, she was in a practice with three other doctors, whe had a full staff of great people it was a dream job.
    But her private life lacked passion, fire, love, Eric and her were comfortable but she didn’t feel like this was “it”. She kept thinking of Bette Porter, the intense look on her eyes, that smile, that kiss, My god she felt more electricity in that kiss than she had ever felt in her life. she had always thought she was missing something when it came to *****, that it had to be better, she had assumed when you find “the one” it would be the best, is Bette “the one”? could this be the missing piece of the puzzle? could she fall in love with another woman? She couldn’t concentrate on work, her thoughts were consumed with Bette. She was interrupted by on of her nurses on her intercom
    Dr. Kennard? Tina?
    Tina: yes, Sara whats up?
    Sara: Well you have a delivery out here.
    Tina: What?
    Sara: Flowers for you.
    Tina: I’ll be right out.
    Tina went to the nurses station, there was a huge vase of flowers. Sara and Angie smiled and teased her: Eric must of enjoyed himself last night.
    Tina: Stop it guys, he is sweet, isn’t he. She took the flowers to her office, she shut the door and took the card and read it.
    Tina, Hope your having a good day, Have you been thinking? I have and my thoughts are only of you. Enjoy the flowers, and by the way you do taste as good as you look. Beautiful! Bette
    Tina was dumbfounded, my god this woman was coming on to her. Well it was very well done, she gave her that, classy, very *****, and very nice. What do I do? Do I call to thank her? What? she was undone, confused, but flattered. She had an open mind, she supported ***** rights, she knew and believed you couldn’t help who you are attracted to or who you fell in love with, she had always believed this way, Why fight it?
    Tina called Bette’s gallery.


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