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    Bette coming out story/early years chapter 2

    When bette turned around, she couldn’t help but just stare. This was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. The young woman maybe 25 tops was wearing a black skirt that hugged he hips perfectly. A a light pink tappered shirt that rested right above where her skirt met her stomach. And heels that made her calfs look long and sleek. Bette couldn’t take her eyes of her, until she heard the young woman ask if she was alright with a flirtasious smile on her face.
    “I’m no I’m fine sorry lost my train of thought there.” Bette could feel her face getting red she felt like such an idiot studdling over her words like that.
    “It’s okay can I help you with something?” The young woman asked still keeping her eyes locked on Bette.
    Bette: “Yeah I was looking for Miss Petterson, I wanted to talk to her before class started.” Bette had to look away she felt herself getting weak from just looking at this woman
    “Well I was going to wait until class to tell everyone, but I guesse you’ll be the first to know.”
    “Know what?” Bette asked.
    “Miss Petterson won’t be with us this year,she decided to quit.”
    Bette: “Is everything okay, did something happen?”
    ” No no everything is fine, she met someone over the summer and decided to move to west hollywood to be with them. And she said it was easy to find a teaching job out there so she went with her heart.” “Are you Bette?” She asked with a smile coming across her face.
    Bette was taken way by this smile it was so beautiful it made bettes heart skip a beat.
    “Yeah … how did you know?”
    Well when the school decided to give me the job, I had a meeting with Miss Petterson. She told me all about the wonderful staff and students. But there was on student in particular who she could not stop talking about. She said you were her most intelligent and favorite pupil in all the years she had been teaching.”
    Bette could feel the blood running through her face agian causing her to blush.
    ” Really she said that?”
    “Oh yeah she just going on and on about, I have some pretty good dirt on you, she said with a smirk so you better be as nice to me as you were to her.”
    Bette looked at her stunned what couls she have on her.
    “I’m just joking relax.”
    ” By the way I’m Melissa Marsh I’ll be your new teacher if you didn’t figure it out already.” she extended her hand out to bette to shake it. As bette tooke her hand in hers she could feel her stomach becoming weasy, her heart rate had sky rocketed and her mouth had become suddenly dry.
    “I’m..I’m Bette, Bette Porter.”



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