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    Bette Porter/Early years 7

    Baby…. Please stop, I really need to talk to you about something important.

    Ah honey we have plenty of time to talk later, plus it been WAY to long. Please
    Bette could hear the urgency in Jacobss voice. His mouth was kissing all the right spots on her neck making it harder to push him off his hand was slowly starting to move up under her shirt caressing her stomach making its journey farther north reaching her breast.

    See babe other parts of your body think it has been to long too. As he slowly slid his hand underneath her bra finding her sweet harden nipples wanting to be fondled and Jacob obliged and started rolling the harden nipple in between his fingers.

    Ah… was all that could escape her mouth.

    See a little persistency never hurt any one . Jacob looked up at her with a devilish look on his face.

    Bette looked down at him knowing that look all to well. She knew she had to stand her ground.

    Listen honey I love your persistency but I really need to talk to you. Please.

    He new he had lost the battle and with a heavy sigh he pulled his mouth away from bettes neck and sat upright, leaning his head on his steering wheel. Fine I see Im not getting anywhere tonight, so lets talk.

    Bette began fidgeting with her hands scared how Jacob would take the news.

    I wanted to talk to you about a trip I might be taking.

    Jacob finally moved his head from the steering wheel and looked up at Bette.

    Trip where are you going? Jacob was now puzzled

    Well you know how Im taking Italian and Im in one of the advanced classes,……Well Miss Marsh told me that the school board had approved for our class to take a trip to Italy, since it is all seniors.

    Thats great! Jacob looked at her with a huge smile on his face.

    I know it will be so good for me to get away for awhile, and to see some of the great museums, and galleries around there.

    Its a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    Yeah there is only one problem though.


    Were going to be gone all Christmas break Bette flinched back a littlewating for his reaction.

    All of Christmas break! Youre kidding right? You know how important Christmas is to my family and you know how much they will be disappointed you wont be there right. Jacob was furious now Bette and him had always spent there break together, there was even times where she would stay with them the whole time because her father had been away on business.

    Im so sorry but like you said it is a once in a lifetime opportunity….

    Yeah but Christmas break Bette you know ho heartbroken my mom will be.
    I know… but I really need to go . Bette knew in the back of her mind there was other reasons she wanted to go on this trip so badly besides all the great sights she could see. She knew a lot of her motivation for going was to do with her teacher. She knew she would get to spend a lot of time with her, and figure out why she has been so captivated with this woman the past few months she had getting to know her. What was it about her that Bette could not resist about her? What made her have the urge to talk to her all the time be around her. What had caused her so many fantasies in her mind?

    Bette I cant believe you telling me this now like 2 weeks before break! Jacob was getting really pissed now.

    I know but I was afraid too, I knew how you would react so I just… Bette was trying to finish her sentence but was interrupted quickly by Jacob

    You know what Bette just forget it.. You always think about yourself you never take into consideration other people feelings.

    WHAT!!! How can you of all people say that, I have done nothing but think of you, I have always been there been supportive and always given into your ever wish. She could not believe what she was hearing how could he say that it was always what Jacob wanted Jacob got.

    Then why Bette, why did you wait so long to tell me about this.

    Because I was scared I know how you get when things dont go as YOU plan.

    Oh you think Im selfish then…

    No Jacob, its that I just think you are blowing this out of proportion.

    Oh so its not a big deal that you are breaking plans that we have had since last year, and Im the selfish one? He said sarcastically not even looking at Bette just staring out the front window.

    You know what Im sick of talking about it; I think it would be better if we just tried to talk…. Bette was slowly staring to open the door when she heard him talking and slowly turned to look at him

    No Im sick of it to Bette…… (There was long pause and Bette knew what he was about to say was going to be good) You go on your little trip, have a good time, but Im not sure how things are going to be when you get back.

    What are you trying to say ? She knew deep down what it meant but she wanted to hear it come from his mouth.

    Im just saying it might be different, maybe we shouldnt be together for a while you know take a break see what happens.

    Is that what you really want? She asked softly looking down at her feet she couldnt believe that someone that said they loved her was now telling her they needed time apart, what the ***** does that mean anyways.

    Yeah…..Im sorry Bette but I think it would be for the best. Jacob slowly moved his hand up to bettes face

    Bette looked over to Jacob and could see the sadness in his eyes.

    Im sorry Bette……. I really am…I

    ***** YOU Jacob, ***** you. bette said angrialy as she pushed her way out of the car slamming the door behinde her. She ran to her car as fast as she could. All she wanted to do was drive as far away as possible, just get away from this place. She knew Jacob was right, deep down she knew that there life’s were taking separate paths and there was no future. She knew that deep down inside her there was something going on but she hadnt been able to figure it out yet.


    The noise made Bette almost jump out of her cloths. She looked out the window to see a very familiar face but also scary.

    Are you okay I was on my way home and saw you sitting out here in a daze. Thought I would stop by and check on you.

    Bette could see that Miss Marsh was talking to her but was so entranced with her lips she was having a hard time making out full words.

    No.. No Im fine.. Well not really, Jacob just broke up with me. Bette said with a halfhearted smile

    Ah hon. Im sorry (the young teacher placed her hand on the inside e of the car and gently pushed bettes hair out of her face) I know it hurts right now but it will get better I promise.

    Betts body totally froze at the touch she could feel the teachers fingertips on her scalp and it sent shivers down her whole entire body. She e could feel all her nerve endings spazing out but it felt so good. She could feel her eyes becoming heavy and her lips opening so she could breath. Hr neck was becoming like elastic not being able to hold it up she laid it on the back of her seat

    Bette you dont look so good are you okay to get home or do you need me to call someone?

    The teachers voice brought Bette back down to earth.

    No Ill be all right besides my father is away on business right now there is no one home. Ill be all right.

    You know what Bette let me give you a ride home; Ill feel a lot better once I know you home nice and safe.



    1. i’ve on holidays so i read all the chapters right now… as long as bette is on college and tina is just her future… i’m dying to read what’s going on between bette and the teacher… for once i’m happy bette is going to have an affair… as long as it just her past…

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