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    Bette&Tina, True Love/ chapter 43….Wacky weed…friends…satisfaction.

    Wacky weed, friends, and satisfaction

    The alarm went off at 8:00a.m. Tina rolled over and turned it off.
    Bette: What time do we have to pick Van up at the airport?
    Tina: Not until 2:00p.m.
    Bette: Good. She put her arm around Tina.
    Tina: Lets sleep some more.
    Bette: Mmm. Yeah.
    They went back to sleep.

    The phone woke them up at 10:30a.m. Bette answered it.
    Bette: Mm, Hello.
    Alice: Get your fine ***** out of bed Porter. Give that woman of yours a break for gods sake.
    Bette: Hello Alice.
    Alice: So girl, whets the plan for tonight?
    Bette: What are you talking about?
    Alice: Wake up. ***** Porter its 10:30.
    Bette sits up in bed. Tina got up and went to the bathroom then went and started the coffee. She came back in to the bedroom.

    Bette: Okay Al, Im awake now. What plan?
    Alice: Well Van is coming today right?
    Bette: Right.
    Alice: So girls night out at RAIN.
    Bette: I dont know, let me ask Tina?
    Alice: Its Saturday night for Christs sake you guys, you wont let us give you a bachorlette party or anything. Its the last Saturday before you leave for two weeks.
    Bette was holding the phone so Tina could her Alice rant.

    Tina: Sure sounds okay, unless Van doesnt want to.
    Alice: She does, Dana called her.
    Bette: Oh, okay. So well meet you at RAIN at nine?
    Alice: Okey dokey. Oh and Bette be prepared to party your ***** off.
    Bette smiled and hung up.

    Tina: Well?
    Bette: We meet them at nine, and be prepared to party.
    Tina: Oh *****, its a surprise for our party we wouldnt let them throw us. You know that dont you?
    Bette: ***** yes. I hate those things; well be thoroughly embarrassed by the gifts they get us.
    Tina: kissing her. Come on coffees ready.

    They went to sit and relax, drinking coffee.
    Tina: They mean well Bette.
    Bette: I know and I love them for it, but..
    Tina: But nothing were going to have a good time. Well drink, dance and if youre a good girl youll get rewarded at the end of the night.
    She kissed her neck and cupped her breast.
    Bette: Well okay, if I get a reward. She laughed.

    Tina: Now we better get ready.
    Bette: Have you started packing?
    Tina: No, Ill do it Thursday.
    Bette: Okay.
    Tina: Why? What should I pack? Smiling.
    Bette: Nothing is fine with me. She winked at Tina. But you might need a bathing suit, a dress or two for dinners, some slacks and jeans, shirts, bras and underwear is optional, definitely shorts, shoes, sandals, I guess a little of everything.
    Tina: Gee thanks for the help. She tickled Bette. Just tell me where were going and it will make it easier.
    Bette: Since when do I make things easy?

    Tina: putting her arms around her waist and looking up into her eyes. You make it easy to love you.
    Bette: kissing her.. and laughing. Thats not going to work T, Im not telling you. She tickled her and left, running to the bathroom.
    She stripped and got in the shower. Tina was right behind her; she opened the shower and stepped in. She looked wickedly at Bette.
    Tina: Can I try other tactics to make you tell me?
    Bette: You can try baby, you can try. But I wont break.
    They made love in the shower and Tina begged Bette again. But Bette didnt tell.

    They got dressed and went to the Planet for lunch, then went on to the airport.
    Vanessas flight arrived right on time.
    They greeted and hugged each other, got her bags and went home.

    Tina: You are in the quest room; its all yours as long as you need it.
    Bette: Make yourself at home. I even went to the grocery and got your favorite foods that Tina told me you liked.
    I got Pellegrino water, Coke, vodka, bloody Mary mix. Then I got Oreos double stuff of course, cheese, crackers, fruit, salami, Italian ham, and ice cream.
    Vanessa: Jesus Bette you didnt have to do that.
    Bette: I know I wanted to.

    Vanessa: So you guys ready? Nervous or anything?
    Tina: Not in the least. She kissed Bettes hand.
    Bette: Not about the ceremony. Im a little nervous about what you all have planned for tonight.
    Vanessa: Us? Nothing. Just getting together at RAIN.
    Tina: Bullshit.
    Bette: ***** bullshit. Laughing. We know Alice to well.
    Vanessa: Ok, then just enjoy. She wants to do this for you. Be surprised.
    Tina: We will.
    Vanessa: You know you two are very lucky to have friends like Alice, Shane, Dana and Kit. They love you.
    Tina: We know.
    Bette: We are very lucky.
    Tina: Were also lucky to have you, she hugged Van.
    Vanessa: Ah shucks guys.

    Vanessa went to unpack. They lay around the house the rest of the day, until dinner.
    They ordered from the Thai place Tina loved. They sat and ate before getting ready for the evening.
    Tina: I love spicy chicken.
    Bette: winking at her. Me too.
    Vanessa: I thought it was too spicy for you Bette?
    Bette: It is. Laughing.
    Vanessa: Nevermind. She just shook her head.

    They all went to get ready and came out looking fabulous.
    Tina was in tight jeans. God her ***** looked so good. She had on a baby blue tank top over a white one. Her hair was in that just fucked look Bette loved.

    Vanessa was in jeans, boots and a white blouse open to reveal her cleavage. Her long dark hair perfectly messed up.

    Bette came out in jeans. My god she was wearing jeans that looked fantastic on her. She had on a burgundy halter top that showed just an inch or two of her flat stomach, heeled boots and her hair was in the curls Tina loved.
    Bette looked at Tina and Vanessa.
    Bette: Girls I think we look ***** fabulous!!!!
    Tina/Vanessa: ***** yea we do!!

    Tina: We still have some time before we have to leave, Ive got a surprise.
    She left and came back with something in her hands.
    Tina: Baby I know you are nervous and uptight about tonight so I thought we could smoke this and relax before we go. Tina pulled out two of Alices special cigarettes
    Bette: Tina my god where did you get that?
    Tina: Where do you think?
    Bette: Alice, *****.
    Tina: She thinks Im saving it for the trip.
    Bette: You are a doctor for gods sake.
    Vanessa: So am I, I indulge now and then.
    Tina: smiling. I believe in its medicinal purposes.
    Bette: laughing. So do I. But we havent done this in awhile.
    Tina: I know itll be fun.
    Bette: Ok, what the *****.
    Tina: Alright! They sat around the sofa and lit up.
    They passed it around and after the first one they didnt think they needed the other one.
    Bette: Whos driving? She was sinking low on the sofa her head on Tinas shoulder.
    Tina: Well call a cab.

    The arrived at RAIN and were met at the door by Alice.
    Alice: Hey the happy couple finally. She kissed them both and hugged Van. Follow me ladies we have corner to our selves.
    Kit, Dana, and Shane all stood when they got there. Surprise! They yelled.
    Alice: Its a surprise party, a surprise commitment shower.
    Tina and Bette looked at everyone with goofy grins on their faces, as did Van.
    Tina: Alright! She started laughing.
    Bette: Cool!
    Alice: Whats up Porter, youre not pissed?
    Bette: Uh no. Laughing.
    Kit: Have you been drinking?
    Shane: I dont think its booze man.
    Alice: Holy ***** you two, youre FUCKED UP!!
    Bette, Tina, and Vanessa all cracked up.
    Bette: No were okay really, just chillin
    Dana: laughing. Yep theyre fucked up Bette said chillin

    Vanessa went around and kissed Dana.
    Vanessa: Hello, its good to see you Dana.
    Dana: You too.
    Vanessa sat herself between Shane and Dana. She put her arm around them both. Looking at Shane.
    Vanessa: Hey Shane hows things?
    Shane: Good Van Good.

    Tina was playing with the jello shots that were on the table. She pushed her fingers in them and laughed then licked her fingers. She then took one and slid it in her mouth; she pulled Bette in to kiss her.
    Bette: Mmm, jello good.
    Tina: Mmm, Bette good. They laughed hysterically.
    Alice: Jesus, you two were having a party for you, do you think you can give us your attention for an hour. Please?
    Tina: Sure Al were ready to party.
    Bette: Yeah, whats the problem? She started chanting Party, Party, and Party!!
    Tina: Bring it on Al.

    Kit: Man little sis, if I smoke that ***** I get horny, and hungry.
    Shane: Yea, munchies big time. Then horny. Laughing.
    Alice: Great thats all we need. These two hornier than usual.
    Dana: I dont think thats possible.
    Bette: Im just thirsty. Oh and hungry..and horny. Laughing.
    Tina: Me too. Laughing. Hungry, thirsty. And horny.
    They ordered all the appetizers on the menu and a large bottle of water, along with a pitcher of margaritas and more jello shots.

    After gorging themselves on food and drinks.
    Bette: T lets dance. She pulled her to her and led her to the dance floor. They danced slow, moving together perfectly, like their bodies were one. They were grinding into each other, their hands rubbing each others back and arms, breathing on each others necks.
    Vanessa and Dana were dancing beside them. Vanessa tapped Tina on the shoulder.
    Vanessa: Lighten up TK, people are watching, and I think the horny part of that weed is taking over.
    Tina: Oh sorry, youre right.
    Bette: Lets go set down before we get in trouble.

    Bette and Tina were ready to go home so Bette stood to address the gang. They were all at the table now.
    Bette: I want to tell you all thank you for this party, and the gifts. Its so nice to know we have such a wonderful family of friends. Thank you for everything you do.
    Tina stood for her turn.
    Tina: We love you guys, you are our family. Thank you all for everything the party, helping with the plans, the ceremony. We love you.
    They all hugged. Bette and Tina said their good byes. Vanessa stayed with the gang.

    When Bette and Tina got home they were still alittle high and of course the alcohol was working now.
    They were getting ready for bed.
    Tina: Dont. She stopped Bette from putting on her pjs.
    Bette: What? T are you trying to keep me naked? She smiled.
    Tina: Yes Ms. Porter I am. But I have a proposition for you.
    Bette: Ok, lets hear it.

    Tina: Well, as she traced her finger along Bettes collarbone and down her shoulder. I think we should make mad passionate love tonight.
    Bette: Ok, I love your idea so far.
    Tina: Then we dont make love after tonight until our honeymoon.
    Bette: Oh. Well I dont know if I can do that. She kissed Tinas neck. Youre so delicious.
    Tina: Come on Bette you can do it. Think of how our honeymoon night will be with all that built up frustration. How much well want each other by then.
    Bette: mm, I see your point.
    Tina: So tonight we make love all night and then thats it until next Saturday. One week, we can go one week.
    Bette: sighing. It means a lot to you?
    Tina: Yes.
    Bette: Ok, Ill agree, but at anytime you cant control yourself between now and then just say the word. She laughed.

    Tina pushed her on the bed and straddled her. Ill let you know but youll be crazy by then.
    Bette: cold showers
    Tina: Alone.
    Bette: Lots of cold showers.
    Tina: So Ill make tonight memorable. She started sucking on Bettes lips and neck.
    Bette: Please doAhhh.TTTTT!!!

    Tina continued her hands on Bettes *****. Her legs between Bettes legs, her ***** and wetness on Bettes leg. Bettes hips were starting a slow grind into Tina. They positioned themselves ***** to *****, ***** to *****, rubbing each other to the heights of pleasure, kissing deeply and looking at each other. They climaxed quickly bumping and grinding into each other. They held onto one another gasping for air, sweating. As they let their bodies relax a bit Bette rolled Tina onto her back as she started licking the sweat off of her.

    Starting at her neck and letting her tongue trace along down to the valley between her *****. Then taking each breast into her mouth teasing each nipple into hard nubs. Her hand was sliding towards her heated target. Her fingers sought out the wetness and when they found it they easily slid inside. Bringing Tinas hips off the bed towards Bettes hand. Bette stroked her over and over. As her mouth tasted its way down to join her hand. She reached the moist heat, her tongue flicked at Tinas *****, she pulled her fingers out reaching up to play at her *****, fondling and caressing as her mouth indulged in Tinas juices. Bette licked her back to front, teased her ***** with her tongue, teasing her opening, then plunging her tongue inside her. Tinas body was thrusting against Bettes face faster and faster. Bette held her hips to her, letting her tongue and mouth do the magic they were known for. Tina was at the brink; Bette held her firmly in place and pressed her teeth against her *****, causing Tina to explode. She cried out.
    Tina: OHHH BABBBBYYY!!!!!

    Bette did not ease up and kept lapping at her bringing her to another *****. Tina shuddered. Her body shook over and over as the waves gave way. Finally Bette let up letting Tina and herself catch their breath.
    Bette slid up to Tina; Tina pulled her in for a kiss.

    Tina: Oh yes Bette fantastic, God so good.
    Bette: smiling. Well will that keep you satisfied for a week?
    Tina: I doubt it, but Ill be alright. So let me take care of you, so youll be okay for a week.

    She proceeded to make love to Bette. They made love until the wee hours. They heard Vanessa come in around three am and decided they better get some sleep.

    Tina: I love you baby. Sleep well.
    Bette: I love you T Sweet dreams.

    They spooned together and drifted to a restful sleep. No doubts in their minds that they belonged together.Forever..and totally satisfied.


    1. …what a way to begin the day :) Hmmm ~ making our couple wait a week…should be an explosive story (pun intended). Super CH, georgia, as always! Enjoy your weekend ~ relax, have fun & be safe.

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