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    Love Is Another Word For Regret pt 8

    Wow, Tina I didnt know you had such good taste. He studied the portrait carefully, and neither of them had realized that one mocha skinned woman stood behind them, watching their reactions.

    Lost In Storm by Jose Rojas. She offered, placing a gentle hand on Erics broad shoulder. I take it that you know real art when you see it.

    Tina froze. Her body was numb and her mind was working overtime. It would only be moments until Eric turned and came face to face with his favorite ***** gone art director. She plastered a smile on her tired lips, turning.

    Wow, its…Tina its-

    Bette Porter, The beautiful woman smiled and extended a gentle hand, which Tina shook, Eric looked reluctant but he shook as well.

    Tina Kennard. She whispered, taking the chance to look over every last feature on the womans face. I am Tina Kennard-.

    -and please excuse Eric. She knew her palms were sweating when she took Bettes hand. Such beauty and intelligence in one human was intimidating. He has been anticipating this exhibit since it was announced.

    An art buff I take it? A fine brow arched as Bette studied Erics face. His deep blue eyes, sharp nose and poised lips. But Bette Porter wasnt interested.

    I collect. He coughed out, tugging uncomfortably at Tinas thin arm.

    Excuse me Ms.Porter, but one Shane McCutcheon says that shed like to see you over by the fountain. Alice interrupted, her eyes begging Bette to play along. She smiled sweetly towards the lovely couple before turning towards the fountain and dragging Bette along behind her.

    Al, what the *****. Bette whispered harshly, offering an innocent smile towards all the art-goers who had heard her profane use of the 4 letter curse word. I was in the middle of a conversation, you need to understand that you cant interrupt like that.

    Bette, didnt you see the look on that guys face? It practically screamed I hate dykes. Alice stated, hands finding her hips which were cocked slightly to one side. I saw them outside The Planet the other day. Man, he looked like a scared rat!

    But Alice, art is art. If the guy doesnt like my sexuality, thats his problem not mine. He came here for art, and hes going to enjoy himself. Bette said, clearly expressing her point. She shook her head and walked back towards the couple. Her chocolate gaze lost sight of the man, but his girlfriend was still in site, looking at the paintings with a completely phoney look of interest on her features. Im sorry about that. She said softly, as not to startle the blonde.

    Oh its alright. You seem like a very busy woman. Pun intended.

    The comment received a short laugh from each woman, but Bette was the one to speak up:With this line of work, busy is an understatement for sure.

    It really doesnt seem very complicated when you first think about it, but it really seems like you put a ton of time and effort into this exhibit. It is definitely the best Ive seen. Honey brown eyes met exuberant pools of darkness.

    Im glad that you and Eric?- Was that his name?- Are enjoying it. A gentle smile played itself on shimmering lips. Soft black eyeliner rimmed eyes scanned the large room again, Where has he disappeared to by the way? I was hoping to hear more about his art interests.

    Pink flooded pale cheeks as Tinas gaze dropped to the linoleum floor, In all honesty, he really isnt an open minded human being. He just kinda put your face with your name and all. She felt childish for saying this, and the only way to hide such embarrassing feelings was to hang her head in shame; which she did.

    Oh? Bette questioned, a quizzical, puzzled look in her eyes.

    We were stopping by that coffee shop… The Planet? You entered and then well, I saw you kissing that girl, but Eric didnt really put two and two together. Probably never saw a picture of you. Shoulder cast upwards in a slow shrug. But tonight, he recognized you from the caf and he isnt very accepting of your kind. So thats why hes hiding.

    So I see… Bette answered, a billion thoughts racing through her already crowded mind. Well, if he really cares that much about my ***** life, then he should start a fan club or something.

    Dont say that, he probably would. They both laughed in unison, eyes aligning.

    Well, Tina thank you very much for coming out here tonight even though your boyfriend hates me. Bette smiled and extended a hand. It was very nice to meet you, and I really hope he comes to his senses enough to realize that ***** lives dont interfere with art.

    The slender woman graciously accepted the hand, returning the firm handshake. Always a pleasure.

    Bette Porter smiled, a big confident smile. She withdrew a small index card from her purse, handing it to Ms. Kennard. If he comes to, tell him Ill be an art consultant for you two any day.

    With a quick nod, Tina was off and into the crowd. Bette watched with that stupid smile pressed to her lips, wanting to punch that dumb ***** of a boyfriend that belonged to Tina. Why was it that even the greatest art collectors always had some issue with the homosexuality? It always effected the way they looked at Bette, the way the ignored her and left he gallery empty handed. Was she supposed to deny who she was to be accepted? To have a larger sum of people appreciate her for a life of lies?

    That wasnt Bette Porter.

    For the next hour or so, Bette wandered around. Offering few kind words to other patrons, but she couldnt muster up enough strength to work. She was exhausted, physically and mentally. All she wanted was to go home, sit in bed with a steaming cup of tea and then wrap herself up in Shanes arm before she drifted to sleep. Bette was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she hadnt even noticed Eric left without Tina- that Tina was heading back towards her. It wasnt until a hand reached out and waved before her eyes numerous times before she came back to her senses.


    She shook her head quickly, eyes finding the familiar hazel orbs from not too long ago. Oh yes, Ms.Kennard. Is there something I can do for you?

    Well, for one, could I borrow your phone? Im going to need to take a cab home. And two, I was looking at a few pieces for my new house, possibly to spice up the dull dry wall. Itd surprise Eric and liven up the place.

    For the first question, there is no need for a cab. Ill find you a ride, either with myself or possibly Alice or Dana, who I understand that you met before? She glanced back towards the last place she had seen the terrible twosome, and they were still unmoving by the bar, empty glasses cluttering the wooden table before them. As for the art, I can help you pick out a piece. Anything for the art.

    Do you set up meetings? Or do I come to you or what? Im not sure how the art thing goes down. Tina admitted, admiring a nearby abstract sculpture.

    Well traditionally youd come back here during regular museum hours and wed talk it out and possibly tour the gallery. But Im taking a week off, so if youd rather meet for lunch or a drink at The Planet Im all for it.

    Tina instantly shook her head, No I wouldnt want you having to deal with me on your day off.

    Its fine. Bette insisted, reaching into her purse for a notepad. What day is good for you?

    Whichever is best for you.

    Bette wasnt defeated yet, she could sense the unsure realm of Tinas words, but she pushed for an answer,But Im asking you, which would you prefer? And where are we going to meet, Ill need to bring some showcase booklets along.

    Alright well, the best day for me is probably a Friday, the end of the week.

    Friday the 3rd at 11:00 sound good to you? Bette tapped the tip of her pencil to the thin sheet of paper.
    Absolutely. Tina smiled brightly, taking a mental note of the date and time.

    Okay, well let me fetch the girls and well head out. She nodded towards the basically empty room. Shane was seated by the fountain, Alice and Dana were drunk off their asses over by the bar. Guys, were giving Ms.Kennard here a ride. So if you would all please step away from the bar and make your way to the car, the ride should be quick and painless. Got it?

    The only response was a shout from Alice, who raced toward the door, but ran smack into it instead.



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