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    Confusion Chapter 5 Conclusion

        Bette woke to the sun shining in her eyes, grimaced and promptly turned over to her other side to avoid the sun. She was lying near the bottom of the bed but didn’t remember falling asleep there. She felt the sun on her back warming her skin and realized it must be late in the morning. Groggy she attempted to open her eys again only to gasp in pleasure with the sight before her. Tina lay on her side with her head buried in her pillow and her back to Bette. The thin white sheet had slipped down until it was left just covering the top of her hip and lovely behind, while displaying her back and shoulder prominently. Bette quickly came fully awake as her eyes travelled the length of Tina’s body, She recalled the previous evening and the sheer amount of self control she had utilized as she lay here this close to Tina and not touching her the way she desperately wanted to but now Bette was unable to stop herself. "There’s only so much self control a person possessed" she told herself to justify her next actions. She grabbed a hold of the sheet and tugged ever so slowly, exposing Tina’s ass to her view, licking suddenly dry lips. She knew it was taboo to touch her but looking was okay, wasn’t it?

         Tina was having a most pleasant dream, until the feel of the sheet sliding slowly off her body woke her. At first she thought she was still dreaming as she shifted on her stomach from one hip to the other. She looked down the bed to see what had disturbed her and saw Bette licking her lips, starring at her ass as the sheet slowly moved off her. She automatically made a grab for the sheet, starting to pull it back up covering herself from view. Bette looked up and caught sight of a perfectly formed breast just as Tina made her move for the sheet. "Don’t!" Bette said rather sharply causing Tina to freeze. "Don’t, please don’t" Bette said more softly as her eyes once again swept over Tina’s body. "You are so incredibly beautiful, I just want to look at you…" her voice trailed off as she once again tugged on the sheet exposing Tina’s bottom to her eyes. Tina watched the change in Bette’s eyes as her pupils dilated with passion and blushed realizing she was the reason. Her own senses were enflamed from the look of fascination on Bette’s face. and she shifted uncomfortably. Bette mistook the movement for protest again and quickly reached out and cupped the back of Tina’s knee pulling it towards her and effectively spreading Tina’s legs slightly apart. Tina felt the air on her exposed sex. "Shhh, " Bette said as she softly ran her hand up the inside of Tina’s leg just stopping short when she felt the heat emmanating from Tina’s core.

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    1. Damn, I so wish my boss wasn’t still here cos I would so scream. I wish the story had been a bit longer, but I’m definitly satisfied with the way they woke up, and how it seems to end.

    2. Whew! I’m still extinguishing the flames from my computer monitor! What a way to wake up this morning. I had to cool down some before I left my comment. I wish you would right more – I love this Tina as well. Maybe Bette could introduce her to the lifestyle bit by bit…now that would be HOT! If you don’t pick up on this story, please start another!!!

    3. this cannot end…omg how hot is this story.i understand why people have said they need a cold shower…this tina is great i like her characteristics and as for bette make love and not fuck its so super sweet dont let it end plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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