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    Exploration Chapter 2


         Naked, Tina went looking for her clothes and then remembered that she had arrived in an evening gown. It seemed like weeks ago, was it only last night? She picked the dress up off a chair where she had left it but found herself spun around into Bette’s arms. "I like you better like this" Bette said nuzzling Tina’s neck pulling the gown from her hands and dropping it to the floor. Tina laughed, "Yes well, I might draw a few looks gettintg home without clothes." "Then stay", Bette said kissing her lips. Tina was tempted to say to hell with everything and jump back into bed with Bette indefinitely, living off home delivered Pizza and Chinese but she knew that she needed some time to process everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. She also knew that Bette had received at least four calls from her Gallery that she needed to handle soon regarding the Showing the night before. "I know you don’t mean that. You’ll have people breaking down your door soon if you don’t get over to the Gallery". Bette grabbed Tina’s face and held it firmly between her hands looking deeply into her eyes. "Let them try" she said with tenderness, "This is where I want to be". Tina blushed knowing Bette was sincere. "Me too but I have to get back to reality, I’m needed on the New York set again Monday and I have to get things organized at the office before I leave". Tina was one of the new Producers assigned to handle a movie, shooting in New York and although most of the work was handled out of the LA Office down the street from the Planet, she still had to check in on the set from time to time to smooth the wrinkles. It was her job to keep things running on schedule and handle the many egos involved in the film industry. She was very capable of performing her job and had been content with her life, dating a stream of men that hopped in and out of her bed like rabbits, until the day she spotted a brunette sitting across the room at the Planet. From that day on she realized that her life had been missing an important element and last night she found it in the form of Bette Porter. With Bette, she discovered that piece of herself she had been holding back in previous relationships and for the first time experienced making love with another individual at a soul blending level.

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    1. What a great update. Damn, I’m dying here. When Tina left the dark side, she really left. Can’t wait for the next update, though I have the feeling that more phone sex will be neccessary for these two.

    2. The “saved by the bell” comment made me remember how much I disliked the cheesy cast members ;o) hopefully Tina and Bette will survive the latest addition to the drama! I really enjoy your stories, thanks for sharing!

    3. Great update! Love how Tina is open and aggressive Tina with her sexuality, and I hope that she does not regress once she has time to think about it. Can’t wait to read what you have in store for them next. PPVS!!!

    4. I agree with you on this one CLS, Tina needs her battery drained. **Isn’t that what Bette just help her with over the phone? LOL!*** Tina is so HOT as the aggressor in this chapter and I wouldn’t try to hard to separate them. Exploring the sexual side of a new relationship can be so much fun and these two are having a FANTASTIC TIME!! LOL! Hmmm…..will Bette be making a surprise visit to the Big Apple to make sure Tina has everything she needs? PS.

    5. Tina is so incredibly HOT in the alpha role. I’m with jb621 – Bette definitely needs to make a surprise visit to the Big Apple. I was shocked that she didn’t even ask Tina to call her while she was away – what no repeat on the smoking hot phone sex??? Bette – catch up with your new hot woman here…whew!!! On a side not, I have to remember not to read your postings at work – oh, it was a long day!!! PPS

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