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    Exploration Chapter 4

    Chapter 4

    Tina woke to the smell of toast and coffee and opened her eyes against the morning glare. "Huh, Bette? Bette?" she called out as she looked around the room. Bette stuck her head in from the bathroom with a toothbrush in her mouth.

    "It’s about time you woke up." she said disappearing back into the bathroom to rinse. She reappeared again moving quickly, dressed only in her bra and panties, "Eat, eat we haven’t much time before our plane leaves" she said packing up her overnight bag.

    Tina rolled slowly to the edge of the bed, "Flight? huh? I need coffee before I can process so much information..she said swinging her legs off the bed.

    Bette dutifully brought her a steaming cup just as Tina threw off the covers revealing her nakedness. "Yikes, now how am I supposed to get us to the airport on time when you go and do something like that?" She said as she set the coffee cup down on the end table and pushed Tina back onto the bed before climbing on top of her.

    "Not fair!" Tina pouted. "I’m still half asleep. You wouldn’t take advantage of a defenceless weak and mild mannered woman would you?"

    Bette leered at her through hooded eyes. "Defenceless? Weak? Mild mannered? I think not. Let’s see how defenceless you really are." Bette reached down and ran her fingers through Tina’s folds until they were wet and well lubicated. "I think you just woke up!" Bette chuckled.

    "Okay I give I give. I surrender to your greater power." Tina said in supplication.

    Bette lowered herself beside her. "I love how we laugh with each other. It’s fun to play like this, I feel like a teenager again. Tina stretched out beside Bette oblivious to the fact she was completely naked. Bette ran a hand over Tina’s body reverently and heard a strange sound coming from Tina’s throat. "Are you? Are you actually purring?" Bette laughed quirking an eyebrow.

    Tina glanced at Bette with a mischeiveous look on her face, "Maybe!" she grinned.

    Bette stroked her skin some more eliciting another purr like sound. "You are! Well, obviously there is a poor pussy somewhere in this room that needs some immediate attention." Bette said trailing her fingers down Tina’s body until she cupped her sex. "Oh here she is".  Bette leaned over Tina and rubbed her nose in her soft pubic hair and started talking foolish, "Hello little pussy, aren’t you just the cutist thing!"

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    1. I was wondering when Tina was going to drop that liitle bombshell about Phillip. Thankfully Bette was able to take it all in stride. Now please please please write the scene where Tina ties Bette up….I just can’t get that visual out of my head now that you’ve planetd the idea there. PPS! Keep up the great fan fic writing!!!

    2. Can we all forget about Phillip now? They ARE going to sit next to each other on the flight, aren’t they? They should ask for a blanket. It’s a long flight NYC-LA, they may want to sleep or do something else under the blanket on the way home.

    3. It’s good that Tina got out that bit about Philip. Now she won’t have to feel guilty about it, though it was very foolish to have been with him. Glad this is working out for them. PPS

    4. Now that’s definitely the way to break a fast…Bette is just so amazing and I’m so happy that Tina spoke openly about Phillip. I can’t wait to see how their relationship unfolds and Tina’s continued adjustment to a completely new lifestyle. I wonder how other men at her job will respond to the news that she is off the market…I am lovin’ the story and hope you continue with their extremely hot and sexy interludes.

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