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    A Drive

     Short story between Revelations Chapter 1 and 2


    The car sped along the highway hugging the road, easily maneuvering in and out of traffic while it’s two occupants enjoyed the beautiful afternoon sunshine. The lovers let their hair blow in the breeze created from the lowered windows and smiled at one another.

    The driver looked at the passenger seductively, before reaching over and fingering the buttons on the other’s blouse. "Take it off" she mouthed over the roar of the wind.

    The other woman hesitated a fraction of a second before complying with the demand. She shrugged out of the blouse she was wearing and tossed it into the back seat, leaving her with just a white lace bra. The driver took the next turn off so they could get out of the heavy traffic and decided a slow drive along the coast was in order. Reclining her seat, the passenger put her sunglasses on then raised her hands over her head totally enjoying the feel of the wind passing over her body.

    The driver gripped the wheel with both hands, expertly executing some tight turns that led to a nice long straight stretch of highway, then she flicked the vehicle into cruise control. She looked over at her companion and smiled. "More!" she said huskily.

    Understanding what was being asked of her, the passenger slid her skirt down and off her legs, then leaned back to once again enjoy the breeze, feeling extremely sensual and free.

    Not being able to help herself, the driver ran her hand up her companions thigh to her abdomen and then up and over her full breasts. As she moved back down her lovers body she dipped under the bra so she could palm one of the plump orbs and pop it out of it’s protective cup. She brought her hand to her mouth and quickly licked her fingers, wetting them liberally before returning her fingers to the breast she had just released. She wet the nipple giving it a slight tweak before sliding her hand back down the near naked body.

    Her companion was extremely aroused, she could feel her juices drippping down over her sex as she squirmed in her seat. She rubbed her legs together trying to find some relief from the pressure building between her legs but her movements were in vain. Her nipple had cooled instantly when her lover removed her wet fingers leaving the wind to blow across the exposed bud. Liking the sensation, she popped her other breast out of the confining bra herself and using both hands, pulled it up so she could dip her head down and lick her own nipple.

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    1. Where can I get a dream like that. OK, my choice would be Claudia Black as Aeryn in Farscape. A brunette in leather – be still my heart! Guess you know where my name comes from! There are a few options from Buffy, my other fav prog.

    2. Wow! Great story, and it is indeed strange how we both wrote very similar stories at the same time! Thanks for the shoutout too. Okay, this may sound a little weird, but I used to have a thing for Debra Barone in “Everybody Loves Raymond”. I mean, I’m only 19 so we may not be matched so well, lol, but something about her. Plus, it never seems like she gets satisfied … yet! lol! (You don’t have to include her, it’s just a random confession! lmao!) Anyways, thanks so much for posting and it’s too bad you had to change your story! Can’t wait to read more.

    3. Whew! That was definitely HOT! I loved both driving stories. My picks will definitely date me so feel free not to use them – I loved that gay female attorney on LA Law – I think her name was Amanda on the show but I don’t know the actress’ name who played her. I also thought the actress that played the fire fighter on ER and was Carrie’s eventual lover was very fine. I’ll try and recall her name and PM you. Lookin’ forward to your next chappie!

    4. Reminds me of a woman I used to work with-she liked to tell her coworkers how she’d give her husband blow jobs in the car while driving in NYC traffic. I guess we can all hide behind “it was only a dream”, but this ain’t my cup of tea.

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