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    Revelations Chapter Two

    Revelations Chapter Two 


    "Ding Dong!" the doorbell sounded.

    "Can you get that babe, I’m putting the nacho’s in the oven" Bette yelled.

    "Got it, no problem" Tina responded rushing to the door and opening it wide.

    Alice was in the middle of a conversation with Shane, "I’m telling you that Bette….Tina! so nice to see you. All moved in?" Alice said with a big smile cutting off her own conversation.

    "Hi guys!" Tina blushed. "Com’on in"

    Shane greeted Tina with a kiss on the cheek and waved two six packs in the air. "I brought beer, Alice only brought an appetite. Go figure."

    "That’s not true," Alice said slapping Shane on the arm as she rooted in her purse. "I’ve got gum and 4 Tic Tacs? Who says I don’t come bearing gifts."

    Bette came out of the kitchen and hugged Tina around the waist. "That’s okay, I told Al not to bring anything. We only want the pleasure of her company." Bette finished graciously as she leaned around and kissed Tina quickly on the lips. She took the beer from Shane and motioned them all into the livingroom.

    Tina was feeling a little out of place with Bette’s close friends. Nervous, she wanted to make a good impression but wasn’t sure what to say to break the ice. This was the first time they had entertained as a couple and she wanted Bette’s friends to approve of her.

    Alice could sense Tina’s unease and approached her. "Hey, welcome to the family," she said kissing her cheeks. "I’m very happy for you both. Shane is too. Right Shane?" she said grabbing Shane by the arm.

    Shane smiled, "Alice leave her alone. She’s a big girl and she knows that all we really care about is Bette’s happinesss. She makes Bette happy so we’re happy. Right Tina?" Shane said with a wink to relax her.

    Tina let out the breath she had inadvertently been holding. "Yes, that’s what I want too."

    Bette strolled back into the livingroom with cold beer for everyone. "Well it’s good to hear that everyone is looking out for me. I guess I have you all well trained," she joked comfortably.

    "In your dreams Porter!" Alice said as she started throwing all the pillows on the floor and Tina looked to Bette questioningly.

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    1. Am I pathetic or what?! I actually watched all of the shows mentioned, and many were favorites of mine. I had forgotten about Iris. BTW, I too have a crush on Sam Carter. Didn’t know that Murder Club got cancelled…I really liked that show. Back to the story. I laughed with tears reading this. I played along with Alice’s game remembering the shows and actors. This is like how I imagined Family Night to be with the gang. I wish that IC would have giving us that…it would have been really cool. Thanks for bringing back memories that I had forgotten!! PPS

    2. CLS…that was so well done! I’m certain being able to blend in all those names and keep the dialogue on track was definitely a chore! I loved it all – particularly the end. You write them so well – and I feel their love growing with each chapter. Please continue! How is Tina adjusting to her new lifestyle? PPS

    3. CLS, That was one hell of a fic! You had me worried along the way, that Bette was going to wimp out losing all dignity. Quite a story you have weaved, bringing in so many character personalities throughout. Gotta love Alice, whether you are writing or reading her, she is always entertaining in fic’s. The closing was beautiful. Thanks so much for bringing your creativity to the site.

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