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    Chapter Six

    As soon as the elevator doors closed, Xena pressed the Penthouse button and then reached for Bette who was busy pulling the pins from her hair. "God, I want you," Xena whispered hungrily pulling Bette hard up against her. She reached up to help Bette with her hair and started pulling her gown down off her shoulders. Bette dropped her handful of hair clips and ran her fingers through Xena’s hair grabbing the long brown tresses from behind and tugging to pull Xena’s head back exposing her long neck. She ran her tongue along the pulse point laving it roughly causing Xena to shiver.

    The elevator doors opened and they broke apart breathing hard.

    Bette turned and coolly stepped out first, stopping in front of the suite doors. Xena punched in an alarm code that unlocked the doors and swept inside. She led the way, removing her earrings as she walked. "Drink?" she asked Bette who was also removing her jewellry. She turned back when she didn’t receive a response from Bette.

    Bette was standing stunned in front of the glass wall that extended along one whole side of the suite. "Wow!" she said amazed by the view, "This is remarkable!" she said impressed.

    Xena walked up behind Bette and slipped her arms around her waist nuzzling her nexk. Xena looked at Bette’s reflection in the glass and agreed, "Yes, very remarkable," Xena smiled.

    "Why do I get the distinct impression you aren’t referring to the view?" Bette smirked.

    "Oh I am referring to the view, just not the same view," Xena said meaningfully. She slipped the straps of Bette’s gown down off her shoulders until Bette was forced to catch the bodice in her hands or risk having the gown fall to her feet. "Tsk, tsk, tsk," Xena clicked with her tongue against the roof of her mouth. She continued to push the gown down Bette’s body watching her reaction in the glass. Bette let go of the gown allowing it to pool at her feet on the thick carpeting and tilted her head back. When she felt Xena’s lips on her neck she reached back over her shoulder and pulled Xena’s lips harder against her. She felt Xena’s hands, resting on her hips, begin to move upwards sliding up across her abdomen towards her breasts and sucked in a quick breath in anticipation.

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    1. I wasn’t sure what I thought of this story at first. I thought Xena was too big a pain in the ass to be with Bette, but you brought it all together and I ended up enjoying this story a lot! Thanks.

    2. OMG! That was Sooooooooooooooooo sexy! I loved! I could actually see them in front of that window, myself! =) Good Lord! What a site! They ending was excellent! I was like, “Awwwwww, how sweet” You did a fabulous job with this story! Now I’m having mixed feelings, since the story has ended. Please, feel free to write another one with these two dynamic women! You did it very well, my dear!

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