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    Assault With A Deadly Weapon PART ONE

    The Assault

    Tina looked up at the darkened windows of the home she shared with Bette. "Shit, she’s working late again!" she said to herself as she unlocked the front door. She took a moment to check the mailbox and then shuffled inside.

    Just as she turned to lock the door and flip the lights, she was grabbed roughly from behind causing her to scream,"Shhhhh", she heard a muffled voice behind her say and her mouth was quickly covered by a leather clad hand. "Don’t move and you won’t be hurt," the voice said menacingly removing a hand from her mouth. At that moment a car drove by illuminating the front window and Tina risked a glance over her shoulder. She couldn’t see much but she made out a figure dressed in black with a ski-mask and she shuddered, "I SAID DON’T MOVE," the figure yelled shoving her hard against the door. "You don’t listen very well do you?" the voice clipped in her ear. "Maybe you need a little obedience training. What do you think?" the disembodied voice said rhetorically.

    Tina whimpered and she heard her assailant laugh softly. "Please," Tina begged, "Please let me go. I have a little money in my purse. You’re welcome to it. I promise not to call the police just don’t hurt me, please," she begged.

    The figure laughed dryly again, then grabbed her roughly by the hair pulling her head back exposing her neck. Tina felt something slide under her jawline across her throat. A knife? "Please god, not a knife," she thought.

    "If you do what you’re told, and quickly, you won’t be hurt," the voice promised. "Agreed?"

    What choice did she really have? Tina nodded her agreement and she felt the object withdraw to press between her shoulder blades. "Take off your shirt," she was instructed sharply. She hesitated a moment, again contemplating her options then peeled her shirt over her head. "Keep your hands at your sides." She then felt the gloved hands fumbling with her bra and suddenly her breasts were released from their lacy confinement. The leather clad hands slid around her body and cupped the full breasts, squeezing them roughly. "Good girl," she heard in her ear. "Now the skirt,"

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