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    Chapter 1

    "Had it really been three weeks since the plane crash?" Tina wondered, consulting her watch before staring back out to sea. She looked across the beach, to the area where they had buried Jodi and the rest of the crew and cried anew. She felt so helpless. Despite their best efforts, Jodi had died this morning. Her internal injuries had just been too severe for them to heal with the meager medical supplies she had found in the First Aid kit. It was a blessing really the woman had been in such agony the last few days, with no painkillers available. Tina knew the woman was nasty and could try the patience of a Saint but she still tried her best to save her. Jodi at least went out laughing. Hysterical laughter really, going on and on about all the people she had screwed over the last few years.

    The others had all died on impact when their plane had crashed off shore, one of whom, her close friend Jenny. Tina wasn’t even officially on this flight, her friend, a flight attendant, had arranged passage when a cancellation had occurred and talked her into coming on a mini vacation for a little excitement. Well she had gotten more than she bargained for this time she thought sadly.

    She looked around for the pilot, the only other survivor of the wreck and wasn’t surprised to see she was missing. Bette Porter hadn’t stopped moving since the accident. Tina knew she felt responsible for the crash but from what she could piece together, lightning had been the cause of the irreparable damage, which had suddenly ended their flight that afternoon. It was a miracle they had crashed just off the coast of this island, because if they had landed further out in the ocean they would all be dead by now.

    Tina’s time had been occupied trying desperately to keep Jodi alive while Bette did her best to find them food and water, even building a makeshift shelter to protect them. She fell asleep each night exhausted only to be up before dawn to begin the search for a way off this island again.

    The first few days they waited expecting almost immediate rescue but Bette suspected that lightning had destroyed the flight recorder and tracking beacon. Bette herself would have been killed if she hadn’t been back with the crew when the lightning had hit. The plane had veered suddenly after being hit and she had jumped to action, clawing her way to the cockpit all the while screaming to the crew to buckle themselves in.

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    1. I love this story already! You have already knocked off Jenny and Jodi and they are stranded on deserted island. How much better can it get? Oh yeah, when they finally make love on the beach *Thud* Thanks for the shout out, I love being your bitch. PPVS

    2. That is becoming an interesting story. It’s sad, that so many crewmembers must die. I like story with accident in witch Bette or Tina involvent. And those two on an island – wow. PPS

    3. Well I for one am all for Bette and Tina on a deserted island. Well, apparently not quite deserted if there is a naked woman under the waterfall and it’s not the pilot. Can’t wait for the next update…bring it on aandy!

    4. The whole concept of B&T surviving a plane crash and subsisting on a desert island is quite attractive. We are totally hooked on this one and eager for your next post. Hugs & Kisses on both your cheeks. – Lucero & Marsha (Proud Salsa Aunties to the ever loving JC and Eunichick)

    5. Hell gyrl, this some carnage u r presenting just b4 I ‘try’ to fall asleep. I think it’s just as well ‘Staying Alive’ is on my screen to put me to sleep. Lol. Nite nite!!!

    6. Putting aside the sad beginning…we hate to see people die…but being stranded on a deserted island with Bette Porter sounds like a dream come true, especially if you didn’t know her before and get to discover her along with the island!! This is going to be fun!!

    7. Oh girl…what a way to start..first what a brilliant idea..if you need a writer for a chpater..count me in;) and the fact you killed Jodi and Jenny already…now thats a way to start.Good luck aandy!Cant wait for more!!

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