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    Rescue CHAPTER TWO BY “aandy”

    Chapter 2

    Tina stepped closer to the edge of the small cliff to get a better look at the woman she’d slept next to for the last few weeks. She noticed the woman swimming lazily. Her head was thrown back and her eyes closed against the sun. Tina crept closer, trying not to make any sound so that she could continue watching the only other person on the island.

    Tina not watching her step stumbled across an exposed root. “Shit!” She threw her hands in front of her so her head wouldn’t knock into the solid ground in front of her. She stood, regained her composure, and looked into the water and noticing Bette looking directly at he
    “Oh, hi.”

    “How did you find me?” Bette covered the front of her body with her hands.

    “I, umm, I was just looking around the island a bit.”

    “Oh, okay. I was just getting out; it’s time to make something to eat.” Bette walked to the edge of the water and collected her frayed clothing.

    Tina pretended not to watch the way the dark woman moved. She couldn’t deny that she was attracted to Bette. They had been alone on this perfect island with only the other’s company. Jenny was taking Tina away on a mini vacation because of her recent break-up with Kate. They had been together for almost a year before Kate started cheating. She thought this was exactly what she needed, a break with her best friend in Tahiti.

    She shook the thoughts of Kate out of her head as Bette walked closer to her, holding her shirt together with her hands. “Would you like fish or fish for dinner?”

    “I think I’m going to mix it up a bit and go for fish tonight.” Tina smiled at her little joke and turned to go back to their camp. “You should’ve told me about this place. Swimming in the ocean doesn’t get me very clean.”

    “It’s a nice place. Just watch for the snakes.” Bette trampled through the foliage and looked back at Tina, who was standing in the same spot.


    “I’ve only seen one so far.”

    “I have a thing about snakes.”

    “I can come with you if you want. The more noise and movement, the more scared they are.” Bette grabbed Tina’s hand and continued walking.

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    1. Just read both chapters and can’t wait for the third. No reason the two of them can’t enjoy their time together while waiting to be rescued… be such a shame to waste a perfectly lovely pool of water!

    2. I’m with Tina – I frickin’ hate snakes. Thank goodness Bette is available to offer a little bathing entertainment. Okay so when does the GOOD stuff start to happen – other than Jodie dying and all. Bring it on! We definitely need some island action before the rescue planes find them and I’m not talking about finding a few mangos. PPVS

    3. Sooo, now it’s CLS turn, huh? How are they going to furnish the “camping” site? What other food provisions was Tina able to rescue? How are they going to establish some sort of communication with the outside world? Who are the people that may worry about the disappearance of the plane? Well, these are really some questions that may help to develop the story a little bit further. Thanks for sharing this fantastic story. Hugs & kisses on both your cheeks. – Lucero & Marsha (Proud Salsa Aunties to the ever loving JC and Eunichick)

    4. O.K. so let me get this straight…Bette and Tina…alone, just the two of them…on a deserted island…naked…in a pool of water…together. Oh yeah, this story has more than promise! Great going girls…over to you Cls.

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