4 stories found matching your criteria
Rivers Way River's Way, chapter 4
Book written on August 10, 2015 by Jess.

Rating: PG-13
fanfiction(s): Firefly
Character(s): Kaylee Frye , River Tam
Story Shortlink: https://lesfan.com/?p=91932
7840 words. 2 Comments
”Kaylee! Oh, Kaylee, yes, it’s me, I’m here. Gǎnxiè suǒyǒu céngjīng shì fú – are you all right? Is Serenity…?” ”No, no we ain’t on Serenity, sorry to have to say… We’re in your shuttle as a matter of fact, River and me. We got caught out on our shopping trip when the Reavers came.”
River's Way River's Way, chapter 3
Book written on June 23, 2015 by Jess.

Rating: PG-13
fanfiction(s): Firefly
Character(s): Kaylee Frye , River Tam
Story Shortlink: https://lesfan.com/?p=91167
8475 words. No Comments
It was two days and some later now. The sky had patchy white clouds in it that were right now covering the sun above them. The air smelled sweet in one of the many ways it only ever did on an honest to goodness planet with trees and lakes and waterfalls and such. And at