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    28 Days – (Chapter: Nothin’ left for me to do but dance)


    Ashley’s shirt hit the floor. Hands clawed and breath condensed. Lips tasted delicate skin. Ashley slid down a little, biting gently and licking her way down Spencer’s collarbone heading up the gently rounded slope of one rounded breast. She could see the lace covered rosy bud of one nipple, and could already taste its sweetness on the tip of her tongue. She could practically hear the moans of appreciation coming from her girls mouth. She was so close…




    The unexpected interruption, a cold, hard yell from the door, had both girls springing apart in shock.


    Ashley stared, then realized she was in her bra and the woman was staring at her from the door, and pulled the blanket up to cover her semi-nakedness. Spencer mirrored the move next to her.


    Then Ashley recovered her senses a little and managed to get her mouth open,


     “How the fuck does everyone keep getting into my house?”


    Spencer’s half whisper next to her echoed despite its quiet nature. “Mom.”


    “No really, how does everyone keep getting in here?”


    ‘Yes Davies. That’s the most important thing to establish right now. Spencer’s mother is standing in your room and just caught you about to have sex and right now, RIGHT NOW, the most important thing to know is how she got in.’


    “Get dressed immediately Spencer, we’re leaving.” Paula’s voice was hard and cold, her blue eyes flashing with fury.


    “Uh, do you mind getting out of my room?” Ashley said bitingly. The old Davies was alive and well, pithy and to the point. “No seriously, I don’t give a fuck who you are, get the hell out of my room.”


    She leaned down and grabbed her top, throwing it on in one swift motion. Spencer seemed to be frozen, grasping the blanket to her chest protectively and swinging her gaze from her mother to Ashley and back again.


    Paula was now staring at Ashley in some weird staring contest triangle. Like she somehow couldn’t believe that the brunette would dare defy her at a time like this.


    ‘Wow… this is just weird.’


    It got weirder. Ashley walked to the door. Paula instinctively took a step back, startled by the bold moves of the upstart girl she had planned on giving a piece of her mind to. The single move backwards propelled her into the corridor. Ashley shut the door in her face.

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    1. Damn Paula for walking in and ruining things just as they were getting good! Great chapter, i hope Spencer sorts everything out with her family in the next chapter, update soon!

    2. Man… sooo glad to see Spencer stand up to her mum! But don’t people know how to shut and LOCK doors??? Put book cases in front of the door ir whatever it takes to keep unwanted people from coming in… And I hope Ash has a talk with that maid… LOL

    3. Damn Paula for walking in and ruining things just as they were getting good! Great chapter, i hope Spencer sorts everything out with her family in the next chapter, update soon!

    4. Man… sooo glad to see Spencer stand up to her mum! But don’t people know how to shut and LOCK doors??? Put book cases in front of the door ir whatever it takes to keep unwanted people from coming in… And I hope Ash has a talk with that maid… LOL

    5. Now if THAT’S not an awkward situation…and I agree with Ashley. I’d be wondering how the hell everyone kept getting in, too. She needs to have a talk with that maid about who’s allowed in and who most certainly is NOT. And yes, the frequent updates are awesome. Hate to see this one end, though, but like all good things, it’s inevitable.

    6. Now if THAT’S not an awkward situation…and I agree with Ashley. I’d be wondering how the hell everyone kept getting in, too. She needs to have a talk with that maid about who’s allowed in and who most certainly is NOT. And yes, the frequent updates are awesome. Hate to see this one end, though, but like all good things, it’s inevitable.

    7. I like it! Glad to see they’re back on track and that Spencer’s grown some balls – figuratively, not literally, cos I’m sure that’d cause a stir once her and Ash finally got down to it!! I love your frequent updating again, and how you’re managing to juggle so many fics. I’m struggling to keep up with one at the mo! It’s bugging me that I don’t have the time to write :-( love you! Jx

    8. I like it! Glad to see they’re back on track and that Spencer’s grown some balls – figuratively, not literally, cos I’m sure that’d cause a stir once her and Ash finally got down to it!! I love your frequent updating again, and how you’re managing to juggle so many fics. I’m struggling to keep up with one at the mo! It’s bugging me that I don’t have the time to write :-( love you! Jx

    9. hahahaha YES!! you did it! you adressed the pressing issue of how the hell people keep getting in! THANK YOU! lol. omg. so great. ugh. you’re honestly author of the year. no joke. you’ve got such insanely great talent, i bow down to you!

    10. hahahaha YES!! you did it! you adressed the pressing issue of how the hell people keep getting in! THANK YOU! lol. omg. so great. ugh. you’re honestly author of the year. no joke. you’ve got such insanely great talent, i bow down to you!

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