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    28 Days – (Chapter: Nothin’ left for me to do but dance)


    “Spencer, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to,” she said to the frozen girl.


    Spencer lowered the blanket slowly and stared at Ashley dumbfounded. Then she spoke, croaking and shocked,


    “Did you just shut my mother in the hall?” She didn’t sound angry, just stunned.


    “Uh, yes.” Ashley. “She was pissing me off.” She admitted. “How the hell do you all keep getting in here? I don’t mind it when you do it but geez…”


    “The maid let me in.” Spencer said, still stunned.


    “You should probably put your shirt on.” Ashley said. “Before your mother learns how to use the door-handle.” That inner voice had just found its way to the surface.


    To her relief Spencer grinned and dressed hurriedly. As predicted, Paula opened the door. Before she could say anything Ashley was onto her,


    “Jesus don’t you know how to knock?”


    “Ashley” Spencer cautioned.


    “Spencer we’re leaving.” Paula commanded. She seemed almost scared of Ashley, and was now excluding the brunette completely, not meeting eye contact or acknowledging any kind of existence.


    “Look lady, I don’t know what planet you’re from, but on this one you don’t just walk into people’s houses and start making demands.”


    “Ashley it’s ok.” Spencer said quietly. “I should go with her.”


    “Not if you don’t want to.” Ashley replied defiantly, crossing her arms.




    “Shut up Mom” Spencer cut Paula off. She turned to Ashley. “Give me a minute ok.”


    Ashley watched her walk to her mother and then take the woman by the elbow. Like she wasn’t surprised enough by the brunette’s defiance, her own daughters was incredible. Spencer walked her mother out of view and Ashley stood and waited, then the young blonde reappeared in the bedroom. She shut the door behind her.


    “I have to go home,” she sighed.


    “Don’t” Ashley said, holding her hand out and looking sad.


    “Oh believe me, I’d rather not,” Spencer laughed bitterly. “But this isn’t going to get sorted out with me staying here. And it will get sorted out.” Her mouth set in a stubborn line.


    “Are you going to be ok?” Ashley asked concernedly, she moved forward to hold the girl’s shoulders.


    “Yeah. I will be.” Spencer’s hand snaked out to cup one cheek of Ashley’s, stroking delicately with a thumb. “I’ll call you tonight ok, before bed. Or after the arguments.” She gave Ashley a cockeyed smile.


    Then she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the brunette’s lips, and then disappeared.


    Ashley sighed. Life was just getting stranger by the minute.

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    1. Damn Paula for walking in and ruining things just as they were getting good! Great chapter, i hope Spencer sorts everything out with her family in the next chapter, update soon!

    2. Man… sooo glad to see Spencer stand up to her mum! But don’t people know how to shut and LOCK doors??? Put book cases in front of the door ir whatever it takes to keep unwanted people from coming in… And I hope Ash has a talk with that maid… LOL

    3. Damn Paula for walking in and ruining things just as they were getting good! Great chapter, i hope Spencer sorts everything out with her family in the next chapter, update soon!

    4. Man… sooo glad to see Spencer stand up to her mum! But don’t people know how to shut and LOCK doors??? Put book cases in front of the door ir whatever it takes to keep unwanted people from coming in… And I hope Ash has a talk with that maid… LOL

    5. Now if THAT’S not an awkward situation…and I agree with Ashley. I’d be wondering how the hell everyone kept getting in, too. She needs to have a talk with that maid about who’s allowed in and who most certainly is NOT. And yes, the frequent updates are awesome. Hate to see this one end, though, but like all good things, it’s inevitable.

    6. Now if THAT’S not an awkward situation…and I agree with Ashley. I’d be wondering how the hell everyone kept getting in, too. She needs to have a talk with that maid about who’s allowed in and who most certainly is NOT. And yes, the frequent updates are awesome. Hate to see this one end, though, but like all good things, it’s inevitable.

    7. I like it! Glad to see they’re back on track and that Spencer’s grown some balls – figuratively, not literally, cos I’m sure that’d cause a stir once her and Ash finally got down to it!! I love your frequent updating again, and how you’re managing to juggle so many fics. I’m struggling to keep up with one at the mo! It’s bugging me that I don’t have the time to write :-( love you! Jx

    8. I like it! Glad to see they’re back on track and that Spencer’s grown some balls – figuratively, not literally, cos I’m sure that’d cause a stir once her and Ash finally got down to it!! I love your frequent updating again, and how you’re managing to juggle so many fics. I’m struggling to keep up with one at the mo! It’s bugging me that I don’t have the time to write :-( love you! Jx

    9. hahahaha YES!! you did it! you adressed the pressing issue of how the hell people keep getting in! THANK YOU! lol. omg. so great. ugh. you’re honestly author of the year. no joke. you’ve got such insanely great talent, i bow down to you!

    10. hahahaha YES!! you did it! you adressed the pressing issue of how the hell people keep getting in! THANK YOU! lol. omg. so great. ugh. you’re honestly author of the year. no joke. you’ve got such insanely great talent, i bow down to you!

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