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    28 Days – (Chapter: So sure, we were on something.)


    “Do you want to talk about it?” she ventured.


    “I…” Spencer faltered. “I didn’t mean to… I didn’t want to do it this way… I wanted to figure everything out first. Sort it out…”


    Ashley held her close and just listened.


    “Bloody Glen!” Spencer swore.


    “Glen?” Ashley went back to looking stunned again. “What did he do?” Her blood rose, threatening to boil. Glen? The asshole. She was going to have to do something about him.


    ‘Maybe have him taken out with a contract? Kneecapped? Concrete shoes? Doesn’t Aiden’s father have a concrete mixer?’ Focus Ashley, focus.


    “He just wouldn’t let up about Aiden. He just kept pushing me and asking why we’d broken up. He just kept pushing and pushing,” Spencer had never sounded so irritated and wounded at the same time. “So I was yelling, and he was yelling, and then mom was yelling. And then…”


    ‘and then…”


    “And then I just kind of yelled it.” Spencer went quiet.


    Ashley let the silence settle for a few moments and then ventured once again… “Yelled?”


    “Uh… I believe my exact words were ‘I like girls’.”




    “Seriously?” Possibly not the greatest supportive comment from the peanut gallery that was Ashley but she was a little overawed by it.”


    Spencer gave her a wan smile. “Uh huh.”


    “That probably… wasn’t the best way for it to come out…” Ashley gave a half smile back. Spencer, despite her tears and misery gave a little giggle.


    “Yeah, tell me about it.” Spencer sighed. “Probably wasn’t the best way for ME to come out.”


    “That’s a terrible pun.” Ashley said solemnly.


    “I’m upset, give me some leeway here” Spencer parried.


    Phew, at least she wasn’t a complete mess.


    “Want to stay here tonight?” Ashley offered. “Rather than heading home?”


    “That would be wonderful” Spencer replied gratefully.


    “It won’t cause more trouble?” Ashley asked, and then practically kicked herself.


    ‘Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP! You stupid bloody git! She’s about to STAY OVER!’


    “Probably” Spencer sighed again. “But right now, the last people I want to face are my family and the only person I really feel like being around is you.” Then she blushed.

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    1. DAMN RIGHT SHE WAS! hahaha aint no way you can resist ashley and ice cream! it just cant be done!! GREAT update. i really want ashley to ask spencer how she keeps getting in the house when ash isnt there cuz that’d be funny lol but anyways. lovely to have you back clomle! your updates were quite missed.

    2. DAMN RIGHT SHE WAS! hahaha aint no way you can resist ashley and ice cream! it just cant be done!! GREAT update. i really want ashley to ask spencer how she keeps getting in the house when ash isnt there cuz that’d be funny lol but anyways. lovely to have you back clomle! your updates were quite missed.

    3. Ok it’s official I’m in love with the voice in Ash’s head…’Maybe have him taken out with a contract? Kneecapped? Concrete shoes? Doesn’t Aiden’s father have a concrete mixer?’ Focus Ashley, focus.Awesome update… we missed you mate :-)

    4. Ok it’s official I’m in love with the voice in Ash’s head…’Maybe have him taken out with a contract? Kneecapped? Concrete shoes? Doesn’t Aiden’s father have a concrete mixer?’ Focus Ashley, focus.Awesome update… we missed you mate :-)

    5. “Spencer was clearly over crying. And Ashley was grateful. She really didn’t know how to deal with teary females. Or teary males. Teary anyone.’Yes, you’re just a bundle of comfort and love aren’t you.” That made me laugh. I love how you express Ashley’s thoughts like this!

    6. “Spencer was clearly over crying. And Ashley was grateful. She really didn’t know how to deal with teary females. Or teary males. Teary anyone.’Yes, you’re just a bundle of comfort and love aren’t you.” That made me laugh. I love how you express Ashley’s thoughts like this!

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