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    Ace High – (Chapter: Ch 10)

    That was it, she shoved a fourth finger in her and fucked her self harder, deep, faster. Reaching for the remote she set it to full power, watching as Spencer screamed again long and hard, her sweaty body slipping down and hips so far in the air she thought the girl would break her back. The sight pushed her over the edge and she yelled the blonde’s name as the blinding white heat rushed from her belly to her core, flowing over her hand and causing tremor after tremor. Spencer’s feet kicked out ward and she humped the air two times and when she heard Ashley yell her name came so quickly and almost unexpectedly that her eyes rolled back into her head and the last thing she felt was the vibrator being turned off and warm strong arms wrapping around her, the last thing she heard was Ashley sighing in her ear, "I’ve got you baby."

    Than she was out.

    Unsure of how long she’d been out she let her eyes adjust to the darkness of the pool house, she figured it had to be night by now and her parents must be worried.

    "I called your parents," Ashley snuggled closer letting her nose brush against her neck and the fading sweat of their love making.

    "Thank you." she couldn’t believe the brunette would be so thoughtful and realized that she was really wrong about Ashley.

    "Was that okay? Did I go to far?" she bit her lip nervously looking at the tired blond shyly.

    Spencer blinked trying to get the post coital bliss to ease up as she stared at the girl, "Possibly on the teasing," she chuckled quietly still feeling her mouth dry, licking her lips she was immediately rewarded with a straw and was sucking the cool liquid into her stomach. Once she drank enough she pressed it away and it disappeared, "But…that was the best sex of my life."

    "I’m sure I can do better," Ashley assured kissing the girls nose.

    Spencer shook her head, "No way can I do that again for a while."

    Ashley nodded, "Fine."

    They laid in silence for a while just feeling each others naked flesh upon the other, the moon light filtering in. The room still smelt like sex and was a bit hot but nothing that made them feel like moving.

    "Pick a card," Ashley whispered a moment later, kissing her below the ear.

    "Seriously," Spencer laughed, "With all this kissing are you ready to go again?"

    "If you have to know yes I’ am but I"m waiting. So in the mean time I need a bit of distraction from my thoughts of the naked girl beside me."

    Spencer smiled but yanked one of the three remaining cards out of the deck, "Three of hearts." Ashley’s face paled and she sat up, their bodies still touching but it felt like the brunette was pulling away, "What’s wrong?" she asked sitting up but feeling a bit of pain in her lower region.

    Ashley kissed her, "Sorry I hurt you."

    "Hurt?" Spencer laughed, "No….it is very happy and sated just kind of sore."

    The brunette rolled her eyes at the blonde.

    "What is the three of hearts?"

    Ashley bit her lip and let her eyes stare at blue worried ones, "Meet your family."

    "You’ve already met my family before."

    "Before my drugs and stuff. I know they know stuff about me Spencer and now, well I used to be good with parents but not so much now."

    "They’ll love you. How bout dinner tonight?"

    Ashley nodded, "Okay. Get it out of the way. I like that."

    So the two got up and dressed, Ashley not keeping her hands to her self and that earned her a quickie up against the door, Spencer doing all the pleasing and no teasing, she was still to sore to really have anything done to her.

    Ashley told her parents and they agreed. So off to the Carlin’s for dinner.



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