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    Ace High – (Chapter: Ch 10)

    Spencer reached out clasping her hand over the trembling one on the table, "Shhh…It’s alright." she assured patting the hand then returning to her meal like nothing happened, "I’m actually more alright with it than I thought I would be. You used to…well you kind of still do but you make me mad and intrigued at the same time. I want you to shut up so I don’t have to listen to your smug attitude but then I want you to keep talking so I can try and figure you out and listen to your voice."

    "You think I’m smug?" Ashley cocked her brow, sure she knew she was confident and most girls she dated found that attractive. It was a ploy she used again and again to land someone in bed but never did she think she came off as smug.

    Spencer shrugged keeping her eyes dancing around their surroundings, "I did…yes." she nodded taking a bite of her sandwich.

    "But you don’t now?"

    "No…I don’t think I do." she smiled at the brunette finally letting her eyes rest and stare at the girl across from her, "But I do think you have a big head, one that needs constant deflating for you not to go over board."

    Ashley laughed. She laughed harder than she ever had and she knew the words coming out of Spencer’s mouth wasn’t as funny as people would believe by the way she was acting but she felt so relieved. Couldn’t really explain why that made her so happy? Was it the fact Spencer had off handedly said she needed to stay around to keep Ashley grounded? Probably. Meaning the blonde was going to stay and this made the brunette so light headed and ecstatic that her body needed an escape for that energy and laughing was the best way she knew how.

    "What?" Spencer raised her brows glancing around the place hoping no one looked over and saw the crazy girl across from her, "What is so funny?"

    Her question was only met with a snort of laughter, Ashley finding Spencer’s confused face so adorable it started off another round of giggles.

    "Ashley?" she whined shifting in her seat, people started looking making her remember that they skipped school and should not be in this place at such an hour, "Stop it!"


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