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    Ace High – (Chapter: Ch 10)

    "I….can’t…" she wheezed out as tears began to glisten in her eyes, trickling down slowly as her side hurt and made her double over best she could in the tiny booth.

    Spencer narrowed her eyes in frustration. The cook furrowed his brows and waved a spatula toward them while asking a question to the waitress that served them, if that wasn’t cause for alarm she didn’t know what was.

    Loving the fact that she was tall and long legged she slipped her shoe off and quickly raised her foot to reach across and lay quite unexpectedly, for the brunette anyway, on the inside of

    Ashley’s thigh. Lips fused together cutting off any laughter wanting to escape.

    "I said…" she pressed harder sliding her toes further up til her big toe nudged Ashley directly where a wet spot began forming, "…shut up."

    "Spence…" she moaned out falling downward slowly to get more pressure only the foot eased up and it was like a ghost had groped her in public.

    "No way…Ashley I just did that to get you to stop. I swear the cook was about to call the cops or something." the blonde made sure he wasn’t still looking and luckily with Ashley not in hysterics he ignored them and began to work on the next order.

    "You do not do something like that with me. I’m very sensitive and serious about sex. If you get me going…well you do remember the incident not even an hour ago in the dressing room, right?"

    "Sensitive is right. I felt how wet you are and all that just by me touching your thigh." Spencer smirked desperately wanting to raise her foot and press in to the juncture of the same thighs she mentioned, feeling the indentation of where the brunette’s pussy lay in waiting to be caressed, teased and pleasured.

    Ashley rolled her neck trying very hard not to crawl over the table and into the girl’s lap, "Spencer I’m self proclaimed sex addict. You do know this right?" she whispered dangerously with tight lips and her jaw locked in place, the muscles straining in arousal and anger at the teasing the blonde so clearly knew she was doing.

    "You are?" she smiled only less deviantly as planned. Her eyes scanning the girl’s tan face, watching every move and getting turned on again by the way Ashley was boring her eyes into her and calling her out on the teasing, "I really didn’t know."


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