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    All Alone – (Chapter: Everybody Deserves a Happy Ending Right?)

    It took awhile, but I actually started to warm up to Aiden after all that he did for me. But as soon as I started to warm up to him, he started hanging out with Glen. They are the two most annoying people in the world when they want to be. I think this made Ashley happy that I could stomach him though, because I know she missed having him around.

    Mark was history Ashley told me. She didn’t tell me what she said to him, or what ever happened between them. All she said was that he left, and he wouldn’t be around anymore. Seeing the look on her face, I knew that was the end of the story. It was good enough for me. She actually even told her dad as soon as she got back from the hospital that we were together, and that he needed to deal with it. God, I still wish I could have seen the look on his face. Aiden said he looked like he had gotten bitch slapped out of nowhere. He just seemed completely shocked, but after he got over his initial reaction he was real cool about us being together.

    Ashley was there for me just like she always said she would be, and for once, I believed her. It took a long time to break the habit. I’m not going to lie; I slipped up a few times here and there. But after awhile time actually seemed to start doing its job, and healing the wounds, and even fading the scars. The memories will always be there, but I can handle them now.

    After graduation I went to college, and Ashley started getting in the music business. She actually turned into a pretty successful producer in just these few years. Her father helped her break into the business, but her talent is what really made her a success.

    We rented out and apartment. I’d spend everyday in class wishing the time would speed up so I could get back home to find Ashley waiting their for me. Her brown hair flowing down her face as her smile reflected through her beautiful brown eyes.


    “I’m proud of you,” Ashley whispered breaking me out of my thoughts as we grew closer to our destination. The roar of voices grew with every step until we were standing at the door.

    “I’m going to go find a seat,” she stated as she slipped in the doors and disappeared into the crowd of faces.

    Exhaling one last time and taking one more deep breath, I stepped inside the room to see my classmates getting ready to graduate and take the next step in their lives. Scanning the room, I found an empty seat next to the others getting ready to graduate and listened to the speaker. Biting my lip, I looked up. But when I looked up I immediately found myself locking eyes with the chocolate orbs I loved so much. Seeing me she smiled and I could see her mouth “I love you.” Of course, I grinned like an idiot. Still beaming I mouthed it back to her, marking her as forever mine.

    It had been five years since that night, sine my wake up call. Five years full of emotion and problems, but we always worked through them, and this time I knew I wasn’t all alone.


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