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    Am I Your First or Your Forever – (Chapter: 4)

    walked inside after ashley had brought me home from the movies.i had a fun time it was great hanging out with her.i walked into the kitchen and my dad was sitting at the table eating some pie."hey dad"i said quiely while taking a sit next to him."hey hunny have a good time with ashley?"he asked."yes dad i had a great time with her i really like her"i said taking his pie and eating some of it."you should tell your mom your gay spencer you can’t keep it from her forever"he said taking his pie back."i know i’m just waiting for the right time maybe when me and ashley are together"i said hugging him .i walked upstairs to the bathroom when i came out there was a knock at the door dad will get it."spencer door"my dad yelled.i ran down the stairs to see ashley standing at the door and my dad smiling at her."thanks dad"i say as i give him a kiss on the cheek."hey ashley what do you need?"i ask shutting the door behind me."um spencer i really like you will you go out with me?"she got out in a rush.i was shocked to say the least.


    this is what i want.i wounder if she heard me talking to me dadwho knows."um ash i’ll have to think about it"i say joking which she did catch she looked hurt."oh ok i’ll talk to you later"she said more hurt than i thought."ashley don’t be upset i’m just messing with you i’d love to go out with you"i said with a smile which made her smile back.then i leaned in to kiss her.our lips met and our tounges seached eachothers mouths.i moaned into the kiss and pulled back panting it the best kiss i’ve ever had hands down."ash that was the best kiss i’ve ever had"i said still panting hard"you a great kisser spencer"she said meeting my eyes and in her eyes you could tell she meant it.we said goodnight i gave her a hug and went inside.

    i walked to my room seeing as my dad went to bed.i got in my bed and laid there thinking about what my dad had said about telling my mom i’m gay.i have to tell her tomorrow if i want to really be with ashley i don’t want to hind it for anyone.i going to tell her no matter what i’ll pack a bag just in case things go wrong.i fell asleep and had a dream about ashley i’ll tell you some other time remind me.

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