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    Am I Your First or Your Forever – (Chapter: 5)

    i turned the lights off played the movie and got into my bed with spencer.the movie started and spencer got scared not even 30 minutes into was cute she was hugging on to me and useing my arm to cover her eyes."spencer to do want to turn the movie off?"i asked looking down at her."please"she said moving my arm to look at me.

    "ok wanna watch tv or another movie?"i ask smiling at her."do you have the notebook?"she ask looking at me."yes i do thanks to my sister kyla"i said getting up putting in it and laying back down to spencer."thank you babe"she said moving close to me.we fell asleep watching the notebook.

    i was woken bt soft kisses on my neck.i opened my eyes to look at spencer as she started to suck on my pluse point.i let out a moan which made her stop.i looked down at her and smiled when she smiled at me."good afternoon ash"she said then kissed me.i bit down on her bottom lip.she ran her hands through my hair and deeped the kiss.i ran my hands all over her beautiful body and rested them on her breast.

    she let out a soft moan which turn me on even more and push into my hands."ash we need to stop" she said in between kisses."ok"i said breaking the kiss we were just in."i’m going to take a shower spencer i’ll be back in 10"i said getting out of bed but she grabed my hand."no lay here with me for awhile please"she said rubbing my hand at looking at my eyes then my lips.

    i climbed back in my bed pulled her close so we were spooning and kiss her neck."ashley you make me feel safe like nothing could ever go wrong or nothing and like nothing could ever hurt me "she said turning to face me."i think i love you ashley"she said pulling me closer.i’m shocked i didn’t she loved me i didn’t think she could.nobody ever loved me before or told me for that matter and i love her it weird that we love eachother even though we’ve only known eachother for at least a week?

    "oh my god you don’t feel the same"she said starting to get up but i pulled her back and looking her in the eyes."i love you spencer since we ran into eachother i knew you were the one.i said pulling her close and kissing her.we broke the kiss and i looked her in the eyes and she was crying.

    "spencer why are you crying babe?"i asked worried i upset her."nothing its just no ones ever said anything so beautiful to me so heart felt"she said smiling."you bring it out in me spencer"i said locking our fingers together and sucking on her neck."ash please stop"she said breathing hard."ok lets go swimming"i said getting up."i don’t have my bikini with me ash"she said trying to pull me back in bed.if you ask me i don’t think she really wanted me to stop.

    "i have one you can use now get up"i said pulling her up walking over to my closet and grabing to of my bikinis."bkack or blue spence?"i ask looking at her."um black"she said.we changed and i have to say she looked down right sexy in my bikini but i just wanted to take it off her and make love it her but i’ll wait if thats what she wants.

    walking down to the pool we run into my mother great."ashley can i talked to you for a sec?"she asked."yes mother spencer the pool is just out that door i’ll be there in a sec"i said pointing the way to the pool."ok babe"she said smiling at my mother and she smiled back at least she wasn’t being rude."yes mother what do you want?"i asked harshly.if you knew my mothere you’d understand why i disslike her.she’s never home.

    she doesn’t care about anything but money.when she is home which is rare she’s a bitch to me and anyone i have over."ashley i’m gonna be gone for a few weeks so no partys and keep the house clean"she said just as harsh."whatever"i said walking to the pool.i am so having a party for gays only much more fun that way.walking to the pool i see spencer laying on the side of the pool still wet for the water.i got alittle wet.i walked over to her and picked her up."ash put me down"she laughed."oh i will"i said dropping her into the pool and jumping in after her.

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