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    Am I Your First or Your Forever – (Chapter: 6)

    "looks like someone switching teams"spencer whispered in my ear."well i hope so i don’t want to see her get hurt"i said smiling at the two still standing in the same spot looking into eachothers eyes."alright guys lets order some pizzas kyla will you order i’ll pay?"i asked.aiden set her down and sat down by the pool."yeah ash wheres your money?"she asked taking her eyes off aiden."on my tv stand in my room order two meat lovers and two chesse please"i said taking spencer hand and getting back in the pool and kissing her."ash not with them here"spencer said in my ear."ok love whatever you want"i said starting to swim.alright i’m going to order the pizzas"kyla said walking inside.

    "where’s glen aiden?"spencer asked him when she knew kyla couldn’t hear her."at your house trying to get your mom to rethink kicking you out"he said looking up at the sky."oh"was all she said.i swam up next to her and put my arms around her."love it’s ok i won’t let her hurt you"i whispered in her ear."i know you’ll keep me safe"she said smiling."that i will"i said kissing her on the cheek."so aiden who’s it going to be kyla or glen?"i asked him looking at him."um i don’t know"

    "well i think you should be with kyla it’s not like glens in love and you two would work together"spencer said looking at him."i don’t know"he said again still looking down."just down hurt her aiden don’t led her on and i fucking mean it aiden bestfriend or not i’ll kick your ass if you hurt her"i said looking him in the eyes."ok ash i won’t"he said looking away from my eyes."good now get in the pool"i i said smiling at him.i don’t think he would hurt her but i needed to hear him say it.

    "pizza will be here in 10"kyla said walking out to the pool and getting in.yes she changed into a white bikini with her brown hair up in a bun.any guy would be drooling like aiden is right now."aiden close your mouth"spencer said laughing."yeah dude you don’t look so good with drool running down your chin"kylasaid smiling which made me and spencer bust out laughing.before we knew it the door bell rang."aiden can you get that moneys by the door?"kyla asked him sweetly"yeah sure just get your asses out of the pool"he said walking inside."we better do what he says before he get mad"spencer said getting out and and kyla got out we all dired off and walked inside to the living room where aiden was waiting with the pizza and some drinks.

    "thanks ad"i said sitting down on the couch across from him.spencer sat next to me and kyla sat next to aiden."welcome"he said taking a slice of pizza."alright dig in"kyla said taking a slice.we talked while we ate joked around.then when we got done kyla turned the tv on.spencer leaned into me as we watched tv."i love you"she said looking away from the tv into my eyes."i love you too spencer"i said kissing the top of her head.

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    1. Nice job again! The Aiden and Glen being gay together was priceless, but its cool that Aiden’s into Kyla. I like the way you’re gradually bringing Spashley along. Keep it up!

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