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    Am I Your First or Your Forever – (Chapter: 7)


    ashley’s point of view.
    ding dong.there went the door bell.who the hell could it be maybe glen."i’ll get it"i said getting out from under spencer on the couch and walking to the door."yes"i asked after i open the was glen and his dad."is spencer here ashley?"glen asked."yeah come in she’s in the living room"i said letting them in."thank you ashley"mr.c said walking inside to the living room."dad"spencer said jumping off the couch to give him a hug."hey hunny you ok and everything?"he asked holding on to her."yes dad ashley is taking care of me"she said coming to stand by me"well thank you ashley for taking care of my baby girl"he said give me a small hug which i returned."no problem mr.c"i said taking spencer’s hand in mine."hey aiden and?"mr.c said taking a seat on the couch."this is my sister kyla"i told him."well hello kyla nice to meet you"he said."nice to meet you too"she said looking up to me.

    "spencer i came by to see how your doing give you some money and tell you me and your brother are trying to get your mom to let you come home"he said sadly."dad you don’t have to try to get her to let me come back home i’m fine here with ashley"she said looking at our hands."mr.c i can take care of spencer till everything gets worked out and after that maybe y’all should set up a family dinner once aweek to help move things along"i said looking at mr.c."no way not in less you come with me ashley"spencer said looking upset."anything you want love"i said holding both her hands in mine."ok so every wedsday night we have dinner with your mom"mr.c said standing up."we have to go hunny i love you"he said pulling spencer in for a hug."bye sis"glen said kissing her on the head giving me a high five and aiden a punch on the arm which i’m sure meant something more to them."bye bro love you bye dad i love you too"she said walking them to the door.


    she walked back into the room when they left."spencer are you ok?"i asked her."yeah just alittle tried thats all"she said looking anywhere but me.what the hell is wrong with her?"why don’t we go lay in bed?"i ask her getting up and taking her hand."sounds good"she said still not looking at me."see you guys tomorrow at school ok"i said to kyla and aiden who are looking at spencer worried."ok ash night guys"kyla said as we walked just the stairs to my room.

    "spencer whats wrong?"i asked her when we got to my room."i don’t want to talk to her ashley much less eat dinner with her once a week she hates me she hates me because i’m gay why would i want to see her"she cried holding on to me."i’ll be there the whole time spencer i won’t leave your side i won’t let her hurt you or anything"i said holding her close to me."promise me please ashley"she asked looking up at me."i promise spencer"i said looking in her eyes.

    i’ll keep that promise no matter what it takes.i won’t let spencer get upset or hurt because of her mother.paula should be there for spencer not pushing her away it really pisses me off."thank you"spencer said laying back in my bed well i guess our bed now."lets go to bed we can’t skip school again"i said getting ready to change.i changed and so did spencer in much like we wore lastnight.we lay back in bed and spencer cuddled up to me."night ashley i love you"she said eyes closed"goodnight spencer i love you too"i said kissing her on the head.

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